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  • "Chriscotty"

    16088 times


    Home of the free becuase of the brave! Freedom is so taken 4 granted! by so many!

    January 29, 2009





  • About Me

    • there are just so many good songs and bands out there old and new but if i had to name a few, velvet revover,led zeplin, april wine, triamph. stix, eagles,lynerd skinnerd,reo,38specail and rush. see there just to many! i did not even get to the new bands, i know i mentioned only rock&roll but i love all kinds of music! i write all kinds of music and i appreciate the fact that someone wrote it from scratch

    • ps i love u, termanator 1&2, because i said so, grand turino, pennies 4 the fountain, the jerk, the old nutty profeser, transformers, trenity is my name, my name is no body, ben hur, 10comandments, jurasic park, bed time stories, taken, x men, how to lose a date in 10days,water boy,animal and hot chick, twilight

    • #1is smallville, two and a half men, deal or no deal, heros, joel ostene, jack vanimpi,perry stone, hal lensy, john hage, married with children,what i like about you,still standing,hit the road jack and threes company,lingo,family fewd,history,dicovery and the science channel

    • the most sold book and less read in the world

    • tenneessee volenters,tenneessee titans,atlanta braves,the river kings,the legend Dale earnhart#3,the grizzly's,

    • love to write and play music,swimming, horse back riding, the great outdoos, camping, parks, seeing and experiancing new things travling to see things i never seen, the beach, the ocean and well anything to do with water is always a blast! peeps these days it seems are lonley and in such a hurry to hook up and get with someone that they will not wait on mr or ms right! instead they settle and in no time they hate each other and then in no time they are lonely and the whole thing just starts all over agan! good things are worth the wait! lol! i do feel much compassion for all the lonely peeps in the world! i think there are allot of them wanting that special true mate! it would be nice to share dinner and a movie and romantic sun sets! for now i am happy enjoying my freedom and being patient knowing she is out there! i hope to go snow ski one day for the first time, and to go to florida and not have to be there for work, i would love to ride horses on the beach. i am a gentlemen! i know that does'nt sound like a rock&roller but not all of us rockers are ruthless! i am kind and care about others! i stand for the truth and i am not into games, lies and cheaters!

    • some say a man's home is his castle but im not living like a king. the things i want , most in life, they only come in my dreams?

    • blue eyes,curly hair,tall,thoughtful and easy going

    • I love the spring and the fall and the changes they bring. I think its the in between. Its not to hot and its not to cold. you just cant have enough friends in this world! consider yourself lucky if you can count your real friends on one hand! I played in a christain band when i was 16 that opened up in front of over one thousand people for i love lucy's son Desi Arness jr. strings and things video taped it! ive done alot since then and some before then! if you want to know more about my music and me! you need to get to know me! in the 11th grad i had my 1st real girl friend [S R P) for three years and my 2nd girlfriend when i was 21 for five years and my 3rd for 9 years and it ended january O9! i love to write and play music i have alot of songs i wrote {all kinds of music} i play many instruments. im sure you can tell i was'nt the captain of the spelling b team? any way i need to get off my butt and do somthing with my songs? i dont want to be famus just show me the money? i am not into cam girls its just not my thing! whats wrong with guys these days anyway? i mean really? they watch to much tv and stuck in fantasy land or what ?

    • Spring breeze blowing through my hair im thinking about you i know your out there? the winters going to hyde away but the spring is gonna bring abrand new day. life is real but so far away and then the storm come's and blows it away. but they say the sun is here to stay. and the life it brings its just that way. i imagen you are here with me . your like the sun your life to me! yea!

    • there is a sucker born every minute and a new scam almost as fast! my email is over run with girls saying they are lonly and they liked my profile and how much they are so into me! then after a few days of contact. through msg's. they want money for different reasons! it would seem they could come up with somthing original since most of them say they are in Africa, cause their Mummy is sick, ect... there are so many everytime i check my email it takes 4ever to read them all! guys must actually be falling for this. or they would'nt be doing it! how stupid can guys really be? laidies, girls out number the guys about 9 to 1. If and when you meet the right one, it migyht be too late! becuse he got bit by someone like you! iI dont steal, cheet, lie or take advantage of people! if you are any of these. just dont even reply!!! might of born in the morning but it was'nt yesterday morning!

    • i have a big family, we use o be really close! some of us still are! thats what i mean when i say my family comes first! but really, kids,music and love make the world go round! yes i am single! my family right now is mother father and my 2 older brothers and my older sissy!

    • some thimes you have to step out onto that frail limb and hope it dont break while you reach for the "gold" some people are lucky and the fragile limb never breaks! but some have had so many fraglie limbs and bones broken and did not even get to grab a limb on the way down! so they have to keep trying! if youi dont step out on the limb? you will never know what could of been! and what ever does not kill you! makes you stronger! this is a referece to many things

    • if you dont belive in your self ? how can anyone believe in you?

    • recieve and remeber ! Give and 4 get

    • i am here and you are there ? i know it seems we just dont care ? i know you want help and your need is great but i have a life and right now i am running late! so please 4 give me if i do not respond? just try again and please carry on! if in a few days you have not heard from me yet! then send another msg sooner or later i will you can BET !!! there are so many i can not help them all ! but catch me when i am on and i wiil try and call!

    • take time to make time!!!!

    • Recieve and remeber !!! Give and 4 get !!!

    • he was the best friend a guy could ever have!! i will never 4 get him and he still helps me through life even though he is gone from us! he was a jack of all trades and just an all around A 1 guy! he could do anything and played any sport in the pro's!!! and i the way he helps me now is when i get to a spot where i cant do somthing and want to give up i reach down inside myself and give another tugg frome with in !! just like he would do !!! i do miss him greatly!!

    • the chatt rooms use to be cool now they are full of web cam girls looking for customers! the pets game has even changed! peeps want to be your friend just so they can add another number to there friends list! some will be friends with you but they never respond and then out of the clear blue they will delet you for no reason? too weird! !!!!

    • if you cant handle me at my worst than you sure dont deserve me at my best!

    • you just cant have enough friends in this world but consider yoruself lucky if you can count your real friends on one hand!

    • music and babies make the world go round but love makes the ride worth while!

    • if you read this please let me know and it dont matter who you are! i need some feed back here! sometimes i dont see all the taggs and comments and have had some peeps get mad and delete me as a friend and some delete therself! its like good greif! just send me a msg! some sent a msg at times when i was very busy and not able to get on for one reason or another for a week or two and they got and attitude! one thing for sure i will never delete myself and i will not stay away for to long of a time ever! this is not directed to anyone person! but think about it ! guys dont look at that stuf! i did one day just be accident! but be for i was so busy helping s$d in the pets game i had no time to search for anything like that! now i dont play pets as much and just starting to get back into it but please! if you want to get my attention send me a msg! dont think i am ignoring you when you only coment my pictures that i dont see or send tags that get brurried so please ! send a msg

    • so easy to spot a fake profile! most have only one picture that looks like it came right out of a models magazine and there about me section is so short it could parachute off a peace of toylet paper! lol