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  • Adrian J


    4970 times

    Beach Relaxing

    A Man striving to walk in Love as Ordained.

    February 2, 2009






  • About Me

    • Gospel, Jazz, Classical, Blues, Raggae, and a variety of others.

    • The Green Mile, Next, Pride, Pay It Foward, Tyler Perrys movies, Akeela and the Bee, The Great Debaters, Lion King, Jumpers, and a lot of others

    • Las Vegas CSI, New York CSI, CSI Miami, Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Heroes, Without A Trace.

    • Favorite Authors are Dean Koontz, David Morrell, Robert McCammon, Eric Jerome Dickey, Agatha Christie, Zane

    • Favorite team is Tennessee Titans, Oakland Raiders, and Green Bay Packers

    • My dream is to see God move in the lives that He allows to come into my life. To see their lives changed and the love of God moving mightly in them. To see people really loving each other in deeds and not in just word only. To see people really seeking Gods face, praising and worshipping side by side, without the seperation of race. A people of the nations side by side, learning to follow God without hesitation or fear.

    • My mind and heart. Oh don't let me forget my God given smile with bass voice.

    • Too many people are hurting inside and afraid to face that area to be healed. We need healing from hurt, fear, betrayals, and many other things. Some will have to face the hurt from childhood, from abuse and neglect. Some will have to face the hurt from putting too much trust in man and not enough in God. God is a loving God and His desire for you is only Good. We tend to allow the hurt to keep us from moving forward. We have to get to the point where we are ready to let go of the past, the fear and doubt. We have to move forward and step out of the boat, as Peter in the bible did and keep our eyes on Jesus, and not on the circumstance.

    • To the ladies that may read this. I first would like to apologize for myself as a man, for not understanding how much I have affected some. What I mean is at some time in my life, I did not understand my role and I was selfish in what I wanted. I did not take always in to account that what I do or what I say could cause harm or hurt for a long time in a woman's life. I did not understand that if I was not careful, I could cause her to become damaged, and angry. I understood in part, but as I have gotten older, I have come to realize my part as a real man. Laying with a lot of women does not constitute a real man. Walking around like I have it all together is not a real man. I have learned that even when I think I am right, I need to check with God to make sure what I am doing is according to His will and teaching. Sometimes we can be blind in what we want and not see what our mate or relationships are causing. I understand the woman more than I have in past. I understand the role of the woman. My Pastor gave this to us in service. His question was have you ever considered why God made man from the dirt, and woman from the man's rib? He stated for us to consider what the rib does.

    • The rib protects the vital parts of the body. The rib protects the heart. The woman was made to protect the man's heart. This is why you are so much stronger and more emotional than us. This is why we look for that special someone, the one that will protect my heart and not hurt me. For as you protect my heart, I will in turn protect you. For I am made to protect you outside and you are made to protect me inside. We must pay attention to one another, stop hurting each other and come to an understanding that relationships are more than what you do for me or how you make me feel. It is us becoming a part of each other, and looking out for each other. Even in our daily relationships with others. We are to look out for one another, and be as family. I pray that this helps you understand some of us. Have a blessed day!

    • For those that read my thoughts. My question is, are you a protector of the heart? Woman was made from man's rib, not from the ground. The rib protects the vital organs. It's basic function is, to protect the heart. Are you a protector of the man's heart? If you have been broken, hurt or bruised, I suggest that before getting into another relationship, that you must become healed. Allow the healing to take place, because a broken rib, cannot protect as it should. You are made stronger inside to take care of matters of the heart. Men have the love that is needed for you, but if we are stuck in the adolescent side of our lives, then we are too selfish to allow you to partake of this love. Allow healing to come from God. Men are made strong on the outside to provide, protect and hold you. If our heart is hurt or unprotected we cannot be who you desire us to be. We are brought to understanding and wisdom by God. As we learn to walk with God, we come to knowledge of what our purpose and part in the relationship is. We stop stealing hearts. We stop looking at the package outside and start looking to what is within the package. Everything external is icing, internal is important!

    • May I suggest something. Please read the complete message before getting upset. Is is not that kind of message. I suggest seeing yourself as a real rib. Woman was created from man's rib. Think about what a rib is and does. It is part of a important structure of the body. Without it your lungs, heart would be hurt with every push, bump or pressure. So you are vital to the life of the man. You protect his vital organs, his heart, because we are emotionally a mess until we find someone who is emotionally stable and able to protect our heart and emotions. You protect our lungs, we breath easier knowing you are our support and keep us from collapsing. The rib supports the body in ways we really never think about. So now when you look in the mirror, think about you are a support and a protector of the heart. Strengthen your self and if hurting inside or broken from any bad relationships, please get healing and help from God. Because if you are bruised and or broken, the rib cannot support or protect, it can only cover. When problems and trouble come forth, it will cause one to fall. So when the rib is healed, it is strong and can with stand issues of the heart and attacks. Biessings!