The Social Network for meeting new people
  • About Me

    • *For Business and Edutainment purposes only* Founder/CEO of Zulu Alpha Tactical Firearms & Survivalism training. *SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY* Follow me on IG @Soutpawpanther #urbansharpshooters #zulualphatactical What's to be known about me: Warning⚠️ Blerd With Attitude 🤓 I've been on social media since Win95 and modems were high speed so don't ask me why I'm here. Tagged has definitely gone by the wayside since I first created this profile so I guess I have to play the role of Morpheus in this Matrix and offer some of you the red pill. 😎 Disclaimer: I am conscious man with a plan but I'm no Captain Super woke trying to save you. I will never beg anyone to get in the Ark. survival of the fittest is how I roll. You either on board from the get go or you better learn how to swim I don't hide behind a keyboard or phone I am socially and politically active, Trainer/Coach/Consultant of a wide range of skills. Unapologetically BLACK. ❤️🖤💚✊🏿 PRO 2A. No cooning 🦝 No trumpkins 🤡 No scammers 🤥 Physical-Mental-Spritualy fit. I work in a hazardous environment but I cannot do toxic people.☣️☢️

    • Childish behavior in adults, stupidity, narrow mindedness, financial instability, having a Just Over Broke (JOB) vs a career and Victorian era prudes. (VANILLA IS FOR ICE CREAM!) All I can tolerate in small amounts, but in time, they all make me sick or bore me to a slow death.

    • Stay on top of my "A" game in every respect under these challenging times. I would hate to have to resort to robbing Peter, Paul and Mary just to pay Bill, but it things don't improve soon... You get the idea!

    • IG: Southpawpanther

    • Being a N.E.R.D. That's: Never Ending Revenue Deposits! That is just a goal, anything else is an obstacle. No romance without finance is the rule of life! Any Questions?

    • "Stand by to play rough!"

  • 🏹Southpawpanther🟥⬛🟩

    52179 times

    EVS Matrix mixer

    "If you believe in things you don't understand, you suffer." Stevie Wonder

    February 15, 2008




    Black, Native American
