Lover S
Over 3 months ago
3608 times
time to dream
I do it right!
October 9, 2012
About Me
R&B, Rap, Classical< plus some more
Queer as Folks
Swimming, Football plus some
You and all of you, more so below the the waist....
ummmm i will inbox you that one
Firstly i am 27 NOT 19...... I was always different in that I liked being by myself. Even in kindergarten, when we were told to line up and go to the playground, I didn't feel like participating. I wasn't naughty; I didn't appreciate the line. Some of my best childhood memories are of being alone in my room-writing, reading books, listening to the Beatles, living in my mind. It's always busy in there. I can be a lover, a player, a flirt. But that's just not my style...I'm nothing but a good person, with a naughty sweet innocent smile.