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  • veronica {{Mafia Wars}}

    Over 3 months ago

    8304 times


    "Well behaved women seldom make history"

    January 24, 2007



  • About Me

    • I enjoy most genres with the exception of country/western.

    • See Tattoo!

    • I'm smart, funny, something of a wise-a**, taller than average, politically moderate, grammatically correct, knowledgeable in most sports, sarcastic, kind-hearted, independent, self-supporting, self-assured, non-judgmental.

    • I hope people think it's my brain...but the obvious is my eyes.

    • My advocacy for children, literature, baseball in general and the Red Sox in particular, and coffee.

    • Words are wonderful...they give us a picture in our minds, tell others how much we care, offer solace, and allow us to describe our hopes and dreams. But words typed in little boxes are without intonation and are heard in the voice of the reader. What is meant as funny may be read as spiteful, what is meant as an apology can be taken as an insult. Choose your words carefully.

    • I have a friend who posted something about people looking for mates on tagged...people who were looking for virtues such as loyalty and honesty...but were, it seemed, more interested in attractiveness in this possible mate. How shallow we humans are. How sad that we often pass up someone who is all that we could want in another human being, because he/she is not so physically appealing, only to find out that beauty often is the sole redeeming quallity of the ones we choose.