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    The word twins should be twens, cause there shouldn't be an "i" in twins, but there's always a "we". :):)

    October 31, 2006




  • About Me

    • Anggun, Ella, 12 Girls Band, Aegis, Kitaro, Vangelis, Oliver Shanti, Nobuo Uematsu (Final Fantasy music) Vanessa Mae, Yun Duo, Jamyang Dolma, Alan, Rimi Natsukawa, SHE... and more. AND PLS DONT ADD MUSIC ON AUTOPLAY TO YOUR COMMENTS!!! (apologies for the caps but seems easily overlooked... And it really annoys us.)

    • We think we can enjoy any movie as long as a (main) character appeals to us. At the same time, we can dislike a movie just for not liking the main character. Fave movies: The Tai-Chi Master (aka Twin Warriors aka Tai ji: Zhang San Feng), Heaven & Earth, Lifetimes, among others... Fave Actors: Jet Li, Owen Wilson; Fave Actresses: Michelle Yeoh, Gong Li.

    • Perfect Strangers; Match of the Day; Criminal Minds; Hawai'i 5-O (the modern one); Elementary

    • Books by the authors Amy Tan, Lulu Wang, Jung Chang, Anchee Min and Lisa See, among others. Also have to recommend Loung Ung, her 2 books abt her life are very impressive.

    • Football, Coventry City FC! We have only played football for real, but enjoy most ball games (and badminton). Watching sport can also be enjoyable. In any sport we support the Asian athletes, also over Dutch.

    • Computer games, Ultima Online, Age of Empires, Emperor RotK, Civilization I-IV Asia, reading about Asia, watching Asian movies, listening to Asian music Traveling, meeting friends, corresponding with friends (chats, mails, etc.)

    • Meeting all our netfriends at least once!

    • Uhm... perhaps height?! n some ppl said smile, some others said eyes... we don't know, if we'd have to say ourselves, none.

    • We're Dutch twins, Erik & Niels Sitton, and still very happy going through life together. We're the type of twins that are close to being one person. Same tastes, same interests, same education, same graduation day, same jobs in the past, same phone(s), same email addresses and same shared profiles on the network sites like Facebook, Friendster and Tagged. :D :D We do have a bank account each, but consider them both shared property hehe. One of our ways to describe how strong we feel together, is that alone we count for half, while together we count for three! :D :D Because we have eachother to lean on, it is easier for us to distance ourselves from group behaviour. We often try to go against the mainstream, where the horde goes left we go right. Like, when teeneagers start to drink and smoke, just cause others think it is cool to do so. We hate group behaviour, especially when it goes without thinking like so often seems to be the case... Too many people in this world fail to think for themselves, which is a scary thing. Makes populist politicians like Geert Wilders so popular and so dangerous.

    • Our personalities: We feel we have complex personalities, we often don't understand ourselves. We feel our characters are full of paradoxes. Like, we don't give a hoot what others think about us, therefor are completely ignorant about what our clothes n hair look like. Which is why we are not bothered to wear second hand clothes at all, or to shave our own hair, saves time n money so perfect! And if something goes wrong, just laugh about it. We couldn't care less what is fashionable or not. In fact we're clueless on fashion, find it an annoying word... Yet at the same time we do strife for appreciation, in all things we do. Like writing posts on forums, playing football, at work, or whatever. Another paradox: We are true homebirds, not at ease in strange new situations, yet we have traveled for 6 months straight to meet our netfriends. This is again quite contradicting, as traveling is anything but familiar things and always improvising, at which we suck. But no regrets, it was soooo worth it!! :D :D

    • We feel we are very openminded, and like to share ideas with our friends on any topic under the sun and the moon!! It is not easy to offend us, so don't worry about asking any type of question. We like to be open and honest to all our friends, old and new, and therefor really have to laugh and shrug at those comments here on Tagged which state something about asking ONE personal question etc etc... Our friends can ask us ANY question at ANY time, we'll do our best to answer them the best we can. Cause some of you come up with some quite hard questions hehehe. ;) ;) We are terrible at saying no, especially when our friends use the magic word please. We're also terrible at saying goodbye, so that is why it takes us ages to round off chats haha. And why we turn very silent on the last day of being with faraway friends. Btw, it has to be said, 1200 chars is TOO SHORT for this introduction space!! We'll just use as many as we need then...

    • We try to be nice guys, treat others as we'd like to be treated ourselves. We love to help others, but don't like to ask for help much... We don't like the "me first!!" mentality. We hate to keep others waiting, but don't mind to wait ourselves. We think patience is one of our better character traits. There's just a few exceptions to our patience. We have NO patience for busses (at least not here in Netherlands) and limited patience with annoying kids. We love to drink tea, drink it morning noon n night! A hot cup of tea at times can be just the best thing on earth and really make us happy! We don't like alchoholic drinks, have tried a lot of sips, still found none we deem acceptable. And besides, we have seen too often what a poison alcohol can be so not eager to "learn to drink it". And we like to stay sober, we have no idea how we would react to too much alcohol but to become louder and more sociable just because of alcohol, that can never be the right way... A wise friend of us once told us that is avoiding breaking down an obstacle by using a shortcut, thus avoiding growing as a person. Made a lot of sense to us...

    • We are very perfectionistic (both Chinese and Western zodiacs, Goat and Virgo have perfectionist as a main) and that ruins a lot of things... like we lost our job once because of being too perfectionistic, too precise, too slow... Today's world it's all about quantity, not quality, so no idea what kind of job we should do... And because of the perfectionism, we often couldn't care less when we can do things only half... we lose motivation when we have to rush things n can't do them right. Which is really bad we know, cause we ruined a lot of correspondence that way. Always waiting for that "better moment to have more time to write a worthy reply"... which never comes... That is also the reason why editing this profile has been on delay for aaaages, cause we never can find the time to do it well. Add to that the fact that we CANNOT multitask AT ALL, we shouldn't be so surprised that days are always too short for us and we never have time for things... *sigh* Those who know us for 11 years can confirm, we always complain abt lack of time...

    • We guess our perfectionism and fear of failing also influences our feelings of responsability. We have said many times in the past that we try to avoid responsabilities wherever possible. This is only partly true... When we do have responsabilities, we take them so serious, as not many others would do. We are overly responsible which is also why we are avoiding them we guess. It has happened many times before, that we as simple working agency employees would be the ones finishing a rush job at work together with some chiefs, when all the rest of the contracted employers would be long gone already. For us breaktime starts at the break, not 5 mins before that. We are paid for those 5 mins, so why not work those 5 mins? Another example is the total carelessness we witnessed amongst colleagues during our time being nightreceptionist at 2 hotels. When things would go bad at night we could get really upset abt it, while some of our colleagues could f*ck up and not care one bit.

    • As we wrote above at interests, we have an inexplicable love for Asia and Asians. We love Asian movies, Asian music, and yes, we also feel Asian women are by far the most beautiful on the planet. In fact, to put it clear, we can't think of ANY caucasian woman we do find even slightly attractive... We studied Asian history out of interest, not because of career opportunities. There isn't much future in history anyway heh. We just hoped to learn more about Asian cultures by learning where they came from and what they have undergone, what shaped the Asian nations... We are by no means experts on Asia, but we have often heard Asian friends tell us we know much more about Asia then they know so that is nice to hear. :D :D

    • We do get really annoyed with how much Asia is ignored here in the West, to name just a few examples: When in 5th grade, we had been looking forward in history class for months, to a chapter discussing China and Japan. Then d teacher just said: We'll skip the next chapter! Argh?! WTF?? Another example: When Katrina hit New Orleans, it was on the front pages for WEEKS! When Ondoy ravaged Manila, there was only two days later a tiny bit of news on it deep inside a newspaper, but no pictures or anything... And we also get bloody annoyed that there is never any music from Asian artists on the radio or tv... or hardly any. The often used argument that most ppl can't understand it is not very valid to us, cause why do they play Eros Ramazoti or Andrea Bocelli, Enrique Iglesias or Ricky Martin, while hardly anyone speaks Italian or Spanish? Nope, just BS and another example of ignoring Asia.

    • We have grown up in Apeldoorn, a city of medium size we would say. Pretty quiet, but not village like. Some ppl will greet strangers there. We guess we would go nuts living in a real big city though! We enjoyed living there, and the longer we are away from there the more it feels like home! We now live in Leiden, which is in the West of the Netherlands, roughly somewhere in between Amsterdam and Rotterdam. Also a nice city, pretty old, and relatively quiet also. But we could live pretty much anywhere we guess, as we are true homebirds and don't go out very often. We spend most of our sparetime right here, at the computer! Apart from correspondence, we love to play computergames! We can get pretty hooked on games from time to time, during which anything and everything will get moved aside for it. We know, sounds like an addiction, and we guess it is of some sorts, just not so serious as addictions to gambling, smoking, or drinking... And at least it is a cheap addiction heh.

    • That said, we do love the place we live now, an appartment on the 7th floor with a nice view over Leiden! We have a decent sized livingroom, on paper 3 bedrooms but in practice 2, of which we turned one into a bedroom for guests, and the other we use ourselves. Since we have a bunkbed, we save half a room on floor space. :D :D We have our own kitchen, which is such a nice thing after having shared kitchens with other students for 6 years! We do hope to take some pictures sometime soon and then post them on here, but no promises as we never seem to get to it...

    • Losing twinbro, undoubtedly is our biggest fear. But other things we really fear are hurting others, and failing at things... We're also somewhat scared of heights, though luckily not really to the point where it gets problematic. Just need to stay away from edges with a steep n deep drop and no or a low railing hehe. We also have some fear of the supernatural, which is why we don't like to watch Asian horror movies. We don't necessarily believe in ghosts as such, but also don't deny their excistence. Or lets say spirits to avoid the connotation with hoovering blankets and such hehe.

    • Which is exactly our same attitude to religion. We don't believe in anything for real, but we also don't exclude anything. So we guess it is right to state that we believe in the possibility of a God, and in the possibility of Reincarnation, in the possibility of a "Heaven & Hell" etc etc. Sorry to the believers, but we DON'T believe in a God that is allmighty and sees, steers and controls everything... There are just too many injustice situations in life for us to believe that. Why is it that some of the nicest people get cancer or other crap, while the scum of the earth can get away with so many things for too long? We believe that if there is indeed such a thing as Heaven & Hell, that it is more important to how people live their lives, than to the extent of their religious attitude. We cannot believe that someone who shoots people in daily life yet does his prayers in the morning n evening would go to Heaven and someone who tries to only help others but has no religious beliefs would go to Hell... We do think nature tries to keep a certain balance in life, and humans' abilities to circumvent those balance checks only go so far. Apologies if we have offended anyone...

    • Caring about friends n family; Love to help others; patient; openminded; Easygoing in most things (really, we don't need 5 star hotels when staying near you, we much prefer a cloth on d ground to be able to stay WITH you! (and a blanket pls lol)).

    • Overly Perfectionistic; Explosive when moody, up to the point where it gets scary; can be destructive to items. Stubborn as hell Cynical or perhaps even sarcastic. Picky in food Carry the worlds sorrow on our shoulders... Lazy in personal hygene, things like shaving, showering etc... Biggest sleepyheads in the world, much against our own will! So jealous at people who only need a few hours of sleep every day!

    • That's all we can think of for now, will have to continue another time, but if u wanna know more specific things just ask! :D :D If you want to reach/add us on YAHOO messenger or MSN, our addresses are here below. Our hotmail address we use for our correspondence with friends we don't put in our profile since we try to keep it as spam free as possible. So we also ignore add requests for sites like this that are send there.

    • sitton_bros

    • but we haven't used our msn often past year...