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  • -tr!Sha mAe-


    10467 times


    "I don't need to be wanted, I want to be needed"

    February 2, 2009



    English, Tagalog, 한국어




  • About Me

    • Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. I'm passionate of easy listening music. I would like to share to the world how inspiring and soothing music can be. I think music in itself is healing. It's something we are all touched by. I love trance and techno. this music makes me high, no need to take party pill and a big no no!!! dj pls make me high!!!

    • I have many movies I count amongst my favourite of all time including such as harry potter and high school musical. However i would like to put forward two of my favourites that probably wouldn't be on too many people's list, and they are Brokeback Mountain and Time of Cholera. Now, I would like to know everybody else's favourite stupid movies.

    • I'm part of the team, one team, one kapamilya! Proud to be ABS - CBN > ABS-CBN personifies being human... it has some impecfections but it continues to grow and learn from its mistakes and be better. With GMA, they act as if they are "super clean" - sort of "holier than thou attitude" and "walang pinoprotektahan image" but in fact they employ dirty tactics against their competitors (i.e., tet defensor case; ignored [read: very late] reportage of the bryan gorrell and dj montano case to protect tim yap who is a talent of QTV-11; among others).

    • Veronika Decides to Die (Portuguese: Veronika decide morrer) is a novel by Paulo Coelho. It tells the story of 24 year old Veronika, who appears to have everything in life going for her, but who decides to kill herself. This book is partly based on Coelho's experience in various mental institutions (see the biography Confessions of A Pilgrim by Juan Arias). It is based around the subject of madness. The gist of the message is that "collective madness is called sanity".

    • I guess that my favourites would be soccer and martial arts. Soccer, well, you gotta respect it. It's the biggest sporting event worldwide, and matches, especially the ones between big and skilled teams are quite a sight to behold (especially European championships or the World Cup). Regarding Martial Arts, I have started watching K1 and Vale Tudo championships as of late, and they are very interesting and gripping, albeit violent, sports. Worth checking if you are not of the faint-hearted, or despise violence (which is abundant in both). The level of technique, the fitness, the speed and strength of the participants, are really something to watch... trust me, you'll be hooked when really get the grip of the sport!

    • My interests include, music, dancing, strolling, and straying with such stuf that sorrounds in this tedious world, experience, discover or take some art appreciations. My hobbies include, downloading and sampling music, making up dances and trying to get others interested in friends conversation (chitchating) as wel as i reli enjoy hooking up with my buddies in any disco bars and have a drinking session, stepp up, get wild, chil. get sweat and grind into filthy (penetration).

    • You told me in a dream you always loved me. I wept with joy at what with joy you said. My sadness was not there. It was so lovely. And with you was my darling, also dead. The sky was with an early sunrise burning, Yet still with ample darkness for the moon, Which held the secret of its youthful yearning Although it knew that it would vanish soon. How wonderful, I thought, at last to hear you Say what I had known but never heard! Abandoned, I have long longed to be near you And find my long-lost refuge in a word. I saw the truth of it within your eyes And blessed the dream that ends but never dies.

    • Me, Myself, s 1 of a condition in which i have a driving emotional and in the same matter, have a sexual intercourse in other men, i just being fair and square for the sake of my own reflection. Because of the anatomical and physiological limitations involved, there are some formidable obstacles to overcome about this situation but i look upon this as a challenge and approach it with ingenuity and boundless energy. I often transform myself into part time women. I do women’s clothes, wear make up, adopt feminine mannerisms and occasionally even try to rearrange my body along feminine lines however, another in my lives just act out some aspects of the female role like that. Being naturally that way is 1 of the oodles explanations that i could attempt to understand my own problem in the same time. I can also describe myself as "urning". I prefer to consider my problem about this as the equivalent of a club foot or birthmark, just something to struggle through life with. I just go to the flow and then i enjoy it so much… That’s all part of the homosexual game like mine. That’s how it ends… "NO FEELING, NO SENTIMENT, NO NOTHING"

    • Lately, I learned to instinctively accept things that I cant change because I already have an idea of who I really am deep down. Yesterday, I also decided to close a certain book in my life and box it somewhere until the right time comes for me to open it up one more time. I really wont mind anymore if you pass me by. After all, you dont know me. In the end, we all gotta do what we all gotta do. I'm like a mirror what treatment I get from other people is the same treatment I usually give back, more so, I would completely ignore you. Emotional yet cerebral... Read guys, although sex is and/or might be good I just don't jump into it like a raving lunatic -- I have my share of it that taught me that loving someone and giving in might not just turn out the way I want it. It's so pathetic of me and yet I might just be celibate until the right person comes. I am not self-righteous but I don't want to be treated as an object to satisfy one's carnal cravings. More so I am not that good-looking' -- beauty is relative though. Nor I don't want to be tagged as 'would-lie-with-any-good-looking-guy-around'. :) ;)

    • "Someone I Can Grow Old With" No games, No drama and No fiction. I'd like to m8 a guy who can accept me open arms and understand my own condition within myself. Won't underestimate or just dump me because of who and what really i am. It is me, my life, my style, and my rules. I antagonize, don't compare me or ascribe me in other gays because not all gays are the same point of views or conditions. Love me, Sex me, Makin' friends with me and Communicate with me that is all i want to aspire me with a guy. I h8 those guys, just use me to search for a girl, just for their own seduction. I'm not really into that stuf'. C'mon, if you have guts guys, go ahead, take time. I'm not a "PIMP". All i want in a guy is so sooth, so sonsy, so affectionate, so auspicious, so hot, so liberated, so dinkum, so facetiousness, so amativeness, so mushy, so chummy, so obliging, so seductive, so pomp, so open and shut, so fair and; square, and so masculine! Don't judge me, mind your own lives! Just bear with me! RETAR QUE SECO, "DARE TO BARE" guys:)

    • I am the avatar of perfect secrecy. A kiddo whose neurotic behavior resembles that of a yoyo. My obsessive compulsiveness borders on slight lunacy, which I hate and love at the same time. I can be your friend but never your worst enemy because why bother making enemies when you can just ditch them and go on with what you do best having a life. what you see is not what you get so come inside and take a look around. Dont think Im a snob just secluding myself to some people who have a deteriorating brain and the like. But Im actually friendly. Wow! Confused ha. I do crazy stuffs. Friends say Im funny bit corny. Spoiled. Stubborn! Hardheaded. Headstrong. I love challenges. I stick to my intuitions. I dont let other people control over my decisions. Im such a sloth. Im intelligent but very lazy and slow. Cant keep up with this fast-paced world. I symbolize a very happy-go-lucky approach in life. Whatever the surroundings may be. Harsh or cheerful. I remain unaffected. In fact. I spread cheer wherever I go, really. I am good at consoling people in their times of need.Im typical snobbish gay that has his own world.

    • thanks for reading my profile But if you think u already know me, well better think again! There’s more than that meets the eye’ *wink*