T.H.U.G.S. Trues Humbly United Gathering Souls
To be a true thug doesnt mean wearing "bling", listening to rap and talking "black". Being a gangsta isnt superficial.. To be a true thug means you havent had it good your whole life, and you intend to change that, and get out of the ghetto if thats where you are, you do whats right, and stand up for your friends! You dont have to be a stereotypical "gangsta" to be a thug, a skater can be a thug, a nerd can be a thug, a hick can be a thug, a prep can be a thug, and old ass man can be a thug! So forget stereotypes and thinking that everybody has to fit into one group, and be labeled.
Culture and Community - North America - Cultural/Ethnic Groups