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  • Adam Freeman

    Over 3 months ago

    7390 times


    "You know I like my chicken fried...." I am a son of the south, stuck in a desert, to fight sons of Mohamad... MAN I LOVE MY JOB!

    August 7, 2010



    English, العربية, Deutsch




  • About Me

    • I tend to listen to just about anything and everything. But my favorites are ICP, Twizted, Slipknot, Korn, Metallica, Disterbed, Godsmack, 3 Doors Down, and Garth Brooks (He lives down the road).

    • Full Metal Jacket, Hostle, Taken

    • Rifles, Army stuff, Sports, Cars, Motorcycles, Tatts, Cooking, Outdoors, and just about everything.

    • To be like my old man.

    • My eyes, most women fall in love with them; my personality, I tend to make a joke out of anything and everything; and last but not least my brain, I am a very smart guy and can tell you about almost everything about anything. And the fact I'm a teddy bear, I love and take care of my friends, family, and battles, and will die for any one of them if it comes to that.

    • Not much to say, I’m turning 30 here pretty quick and I’ve served since I was 17 in the military. If you wanna know more, ask.

    • I'm just looking to chill out and make some friends right now. If something comes of it then great. If not, then at least it was fun while it lasted. But what I want in a woman is someone who I can count on in the good times and bad, one who is strong enough to deal with the military lifestyle (which is not an easy life), someone who loves to travel, and someone I can eventually call my wife and have children with. I come from a very large family, so family values are a must. And my family must approve of you, which it isn't hard to impress them.

    • I have some very simple rules for if you want to talk to me or be my friend.

    • Do Not send me chain mail to my inbox, It is annoying and stupid.

    • If you are gay, and try to hit on me, I will block you. Other then that I do not care about your sexuality, it's your life not mine so who am I to judge.

    • If you talk lik dis, I will not talk to you. It shows you have no brain and I like women with a brain in their head.

    • If you are anti-military, were ever part of Westboro Church, or think you can change my being in the military, fuck off now. I love my job, and will continue to be a part of the army. I have reasons for it, if you want to know why, ask.

    • If you do any of this, it means you didn't read my profile, and means you don't care enough to know me. So I will block you.

    • If you did read this, I'm not being an ass I'm just tired of lowlife people. I am a nice guy but in the words of my DS, "Don't take my kindness, for weakness."

    • The old rule I had on here for 7 was a lil rude, so I'll put this in a nice way. I do not date fat women. Thick is fine.