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  • Sauvage Quint

    4516 times

    Reef Nebula

    Madly One

    August 27, 2012



    Română, English, Français

  • About Me

    • Depeche Mode,Zaz, Nightwish, Metallica, The Beatles, Nickelback, Nirvana, Bon Jovi , Scorpions , 30 seconds to mars, Paramore, Linkin Park, Eminem,.John Lennon, Johnny Depp..., Andreea Bocelli, Luciano Pavarotti, Alice in Chains, Johnny Cash, The Cure,, The Eagles, Pink Floyd........

    • Notre Dame de Paris, A beautiful mind, Pirates of the Carrabian,The Mask, Inception, The Aviator, Hanibal Lector.................................................................

    • Black Books, Little Britain Grey's Anothomy Doc Martin Man behaving badly DaVinci 's deamons Borgia Family...........................................

    • Far away from the madding crowd T. Hardy, Magus by Valerio Evanghelistti, The war between worlds, The invisible man, In the days of the comet- G.H.Wells, "Mataniile" Florence L Barclay,The blind teenager's novel Mircea Eliade, Notre-Dame by Paris Victor Hugo, Faust by Gothe, Operation Overload... ..................................etc

    • Tenis, Bowling, Pool, Swiming, Jogging...

    • The reason I landed here is to make a bit of literature, creation and bottles of sorrow with joy for those who pass me by...

    • I want to fly far far in the desert so I can find the pawn of wishes...and when I reach it I just would wish for another wish , never even knowing that my first wish was already fullfilled (and that was to go in the desert) people are constantly unhappy with the outcome of their we constantly attend humoursly at cats funerlas eating baked cookies like a team of incourageble bastards that we are...