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  • Tygorpol


    4930 times



    April 21, 2007







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    • Language Studies


    • SMILE

    • Do you remember the time we were falling from the sky. We looked and each other and said good bye, water broke our fall, and we drifted along, dolphins came around taking us to the sand. Where we sat and started making plans in the land. Remember when we were walking in the sand, making plans to live in the land. We stopped for awhile, look into each others eye’s. We could not believe, we started sinking quick in the quicksand, then we thought no more plans, that's when we just started holding hands, sinking in the sand remembering our plans. Horses came around and waved their tails around. We grabbed on to their tails and they pulled us up the trails. Pulled us up the trail, to the cave we first stayed. Remember that first night under the moon light. Sitting buy the cave were we first stayed, making more plans to live in the land. We got ants in our pants and had our first dance .It started to rain, and we ran into the cave. Could not see into your eyes till the fireflies lite your eyes. When we woke, we thought it was a joke, food coming out of ground and all around. Close to the cave those first moon nights, and sunny days. Remember that far back all those first days.

    • When it got hot, and the fire hit the spot. The birds woke our eyes, and we followed them with our eyes. The horses and the cave, and the ants in our pants. I think that bug bite helped you night, you did not look right, and was coughing all nite. You say no animals this time just leave them behind. They helped us this time and all the time. That night you did not feel good, and the sting did you good. Bring some this time and leave some behind are you sure you want to leave all the animals behind. Remember that far back, and those days. The ride to the land and the sinking in the sand. Some get abused, and mistreated from behind. That fixes itself over time. We should take some this time, the fire that time, the bird song woke our eyes we followed them to the lake and had our first wash. We were fresh after that. We were stinking up the spot. stinking up spot that we first got, were we first made our plans to live in the land. You you sure you want to leave the animals behind. If we leave them behind, we can visit them any time. That star comes around all the time. Found them a good spot. Lets hit the next hot spot. We can plant some seed and watch our good deed,