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  • KENTI Guitarist


    5164 times


    Health & Wellness Coach - Look and FEEL healthy, Energetic and Stress Free!

    June 5, 2008





  • About Me

    • I'm a guitarist and I love all genres of music, both listening and performing....Jazz, blues, Rock, House, R&B, Classical, Folk, Tango, country.

    • Fantasies like The Matrix (series), Star Wars, X-Men, Lord Of the Rings, Harry Potter, Martial arts movies, like Forbidden Kingdom, Fearless, Bullet Proof Monk, dramas stories like The Bridges of Madison County, Out of Africa, Sense and Sensibility, Field of Dreams, history and science documentaries like What the Bleep Do we Know, Ken Burn's Jazz, New York, Baseball.

    • Add your favorite movies and actors...

    • You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a fine spirit of hope of achievement. You are here to enrich the world and you improverish yourself if you forget the errand ~ Woodrow Wilson .............................. Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Saint Paul-Philippians 4.8 .............................. Pain is a relatively objective, physical phenomenon; suffering is our psychological resistance to what happens. Events may create physical pain, but they do not in themselves create suffering. Resistance creates suffering. Stress happens when your mind resists what is...The only problem in your life is your mind's resistance to life as it unfolds. ~ Dan Millman in The Way of the Peaceful Warrior

    • My smile, my stamina and my view of life.

    • I love health nutrition and helping people manage their weight. I play Guitar, Rollerskate, dance Argentine Tango. I'm creative, Loving, Joyful and love to Inspire others. I love the study philosophy and ontology. I am a member of Toastmaster. And I enjoy knitting and love to teach that to people. I currently lead a group of about 40 knitters.

    • Less of a dream than a goal I'm actively working on is to live a life I love; one that defies the ordinary and predictable, while being a contribution to and making a difference in the the lives of people who are part of my life. To always continue to expand my circle of influence. To transition from my 9 to 5 job to music performance in the next 3 to 5 years. And finally, to coach as many people as I can to realize their own dreams of personal happiness, live a life they love and achieve financial success.

    • Two or more people who have a burning desire to achieve an extraordinary life, and who want to experience early retirement from their nine to five jobs within the next three to 5 years years, with a six-figure income, residual income that will last through their retirement and beyond. And who are open to evaluating the business system I'm using and willing to be coached in the achievement of that goal, working with me and my business partners.

    • "What, then, is happiness? The answer is not complex. Happiness is simply a state of inner freedom. Freedom from what? With a bit of self-insight, every individual can answer that question for himself. It is freedom from the secret angers and anxieties we tell no one about. It is freedom from fear of being unappreciated and ignored, from muddled thinking that drives us to compulsive actions, and later, to regrets. It is freedom from painful cravings that deceive us into thinking that our attainment of this person or of that circumstance will make everything right. Happiness is liberty from everything that makes us unhappy." ~ The Daily Guru