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  • Milli


    6387 times

    Vintage Black Floral

    Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you. -Tyrion Lannister

    January 3, 2011



    English, 日本語, Deutsch

  • About Me

    • MUCC, Amazarashi, kyaru pamyu pamyu, ONE OK ROCK, Perfume, RADWIMPS, Qeen, VOCALOID, Aqua timez, Sonata Arctica, Pariisin kevät, Miyavi, The pillows, gackt,

    • Parfume, Sweeny Todd, Hana yori dango, Battle royale, ironman, X-men: all of them, Sherlock Holmes, LotR-trilogy, Eurotrip. Thor, Django unchained, grotesque, saw all of them, fight club, kick ass, Pulp fiction,

    • Game of thrones,Queer as Folk, True Blood, House, skins, The L word, Hana yori dango, Nip and Tuck, Madventures, Heroes, Supernatural, Dexter, Desperate Housewives, AND LOTS AND LOTS OF ANIME :3

    • George R.R Martin: A Song of Ice and Fire

    • swimming, downhillskiing, skating

    • Art: (Drawing, painting, photoshop etc.) Languages, animations, comics, movies, Asian fashion

    • Right now my biggest dream is to go to Helsinkis University and study japanese. And travel somewhere inside europe

    • I am what I am and proud of it :P I have my own opinions and I'm not trying to be anything I'm not :)

    • Johnny Depp, Heath Ledger, Robert D. jr, Tatsuja Fujiwara, Jun Matsumoto, Kazuya Kamenashi, Edward Norton, Cristopher Walts