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  • Paine


    1743 times


    October 8, 2009



    English, Español - América Latina, Bahasa Melayu

    Native American, Other



  • About Me

    • Nitro,Michael Angelo Batio, Yngwie Malmsteen Rising force, Seether, Japan X,Storm Rider,Black Label Society,Dio,Manowar,Immortal,Nirvana,Creed, My Chemical Romance,H.I.M,Paramore,Avenge sevenfold Creed.Nirvana,White Snake,Led zepplin,Iron Maiden, Gino d Auri Flamenco mystico,Chris Spheeris,Nicholas Gunn. and most classical shit. love music accept those Rap and R&B crap.

    • Brad pitt, Will Smith,Daniel day lewis, Arnold Squashanigger Troy,Sevenpounds,Curious case of benjamin button. Terminator,End of days etc list goes on blah blah Orphan.

    • Relatively dont watch tv much only for certain things that catch my eyes are Smallville,Heroes,Kyle XY ,spongebob square pants,Simpson's, Manga

    • .... I hate books with no pictures........but like guitar magazines alot!!

    • Exercising my Fingers from time to time fidgeting on about anything to keep it busy... COOKING!!!! Baking....

    • Music Music and more Music Baby!!! Someone who has good % of blood sugar levels...yummy!

    • I screw up my future to pursue my dreams,but Dreams come true to only the persistant and stubborn ones. I always get what i want in the end...So im never afraid to chase dreams. Nor should you.

    • My Dimples, Umm i dont have muscle's i dont body build no more...I got a new sport Build Calcium and adding more bones... HAhaha!

    • I'm Straight but i get in touch with my feminine side. I'm finally with the one that i longed for and waiting for many long years....Finally she has returned to me. I would walk this earth alone... for there can be no other to replace her. Nor will i be tempted for i only love her and she's all ive ever wanted. Praise god for my prayers brought her to me...Forever am i grateful. 3 long years is a long time in waiting.

    • //
