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Naruto Wolves (RP)


    a roleplay where ppl can sign up 4 their naruto wolf character and have fun n how the roleplay goes..BUT u haveta act as a wolf... ALSO lol u cant have more than one of the same naruto character..join da wild side 2 naruto haha^^..INVITE YOUR FRIENDS and tell them 2 invite their friends so noone would b lonely and so evryone can rp^^..have fun!!

    Movies and TV - TV - North America






Topics 1-10 of 10
Topic Posts Last Post Started by

Sticky: Naruto wolf character sign up for guys!

hmm. i'll be haku i guess

13 DELETED DELETED DELETED Apr 10, 2010 1:19pm

Sticky: Leaf Village

dis is where all da leaf village ninjas live, everyone of c…

2 DELETED DELETED DELETED Apr 10, 2010 8:54pm

Sticky: Naruto wolf character sign up for girls!

i wonder if i should let summone else b Hinata since i crea…

8 DELETED DELETED DELETED Apr 10, 2010 1:26pm

Sticky: Forest

a place where evryone can train, play, or do watev lol..jus…

1 DELETED DELETED DELETED Apr 10, 2010 9:00pm

Sticky: Training grounds

a place where evryone can train..all da equipment is n a bu…

1 DELETED DELETED DELETED Apr 10, 2010 8:58pm

Sticky: Water Village

dis is where all da water village ninjas live, everyon…

1 DELETED DELETED DELETED Apr 10, 2010 8:55pm

Sticky: Sound Village

dis is where all da sound village ninjas live, everyon…

1 DELETED DELETED DELETED Apr 10, 2010 8:55pm

Sticky: Sand Village

dis is where all da sand village ninjas live, everyone…

1 DELETED DELETED DELETED Apr 10, 2010 8:55pm

the best naruto couple

who do u think would b da best couple out of all da naruto …

3 DELETED DELETED DELETED Jul 22, 2010 8:19pm

what ???

what do i have to do ???

2 DELETED DELETED DELETED Apr 11, 2010 7:44pm

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