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  • Rae

    16341 times


    The names Desirae you can call me Rae for short

    February 4, 2009



    English, Español - México



  • About Me

    • just about anything spanish or english country to rap to classical

    • i can sit back snd watch anything

    • i like survivors remorse ties that bind & kevin from work i would say those are my top shows at the moment

    • Niner Empire baby ❤❤❤❤

    • Hmm let me see

    • I'd have to say my luscious lips

    • I'm Desirae. est. 1993. MILF. Bi-Lingual. I'm a nice girl. Respect me I will do the same. I want to make something of myself. I have a Bro and Sister from another Mr. and 3 brothers from another Mother. My family is definitely my world. I have like no friends at all I can count the trusted ride or dies on one hand. I hate liars cheaters fakes, Don't be phony homie!! Music is my life, I couldn't live without it. I listen mainly to the oldies such as Brenton Woods, Billy Stewart, Mary Wells, Betty Wright and many others. I download songs like you wouldn't believe. From here on out i live my life how i want & its all good in Mr. Rogers neighborhood! I'm pretty easy to get along with. You could say I have a pretty good grasp on the English language. You'll totally win some points with me if you spell/use correct grammar. I like to buy clothes, way too much. I've in a way recreated myself. I can talk for days. I'm scared to DEATH of bugs. Akward. is my favorite show. Yuma winter is the fave season. I make acquaintances with just about anyone. If you give me compliments I get really shy &nd blush.Starting to hold myself to high standards.