The Social Network for meeting new people
  • Lib

    14636 times


    July 21, 2014



    English, Français, 中文 (繁軆)




  • About Me

    • Alicia Keys / Dido / Shawn Colvin / 阿桑 / 順子

    • Action / Comedy / SciFi / Documentary / Every kind except Horror

    • All kinds. I observe more than watch.

    • C.S Lewis, Myths, Bible

    • Swimming

    • Drawing, Painting, Singing

    • Be on a flight that flies forever like that how I felt the first time I went on the first journey alone.

    • scars

    • I don’t live in the location the profile says. I just want to have a good normal male friend to talk to without having to experience ddd pics. Nor sexual talk! Nor do I need any fake accounts keep telling me his wifi doesn’t work or no network. It’s 2022! Never trust the photos! I keep TAGGed because it dated back to my very first social media, a diary sense. Scammers, stop trying already. I’m so poor that I can’t even afford my rent almost. Even I was stupid enough, I don’t have any, I mean nothing at all to wire to you. You are likely to be a scammer if 1. Asking me to “email” 2. You have only 1 picture 3. You are using several pictures of someone, which I mostly will find out Ok. Interesting question here. Why people lie?

    • -------------------------

    • Please be patient and don't give up too easily. Because sometimes I am not patient enough. I am beautiful in my own way. I don't have a good body but I have a terrific one that keeps me alive , neither a pair of big booties but so far so good nor a nice ass but I can still go to the toilet according to my will. And I might be too cool for you. I am still learning how to smile and frown beautifully. I don't know how to make an innocent face with two almost popping out booties and I am proud of it, or a pair of big eyes unless I have money for school, food, then surgery. Other than those, I do know how to laugh ugly. XD I am one of I am who I am of the I AM WHO I AM. I look into details because that's where the truth scatters about. The truth of beauty, truth of life, and truth of ourselves doing right and wrong (I should keep this one in my note). So I can tell my children (which I don't have any) one day, where to look in their lives. Even I won't have any children, I've been given to those not mine (students). Too bad is that these are not just words, and you can't see them anywhere in my profile, pictures, or from webcam. (Wow. I have done a good job. Applaud everyone!)