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  • 长篇故事 ~ Read my Profile


    23375 times

    Shosetsu Research

    Subtle is the way of the lord

    October 28, 2007




    Asian, Black, East Indian, Middle Eastern



  • About Me

    • Jazz, classical music, classic rock, electronic

    • Sci Fi, action, Speculative fiction

    • Haven't watched television in over a decade

    • I have read more books in a year than most people in a lifetime and I am a professional writer

    • Walking, Exercising my mind, SEX

    • Business, Being a bridge for bringing people together. My love of literature makes me informed on a variety of subjects

    • To be successful in my business and to be with the woman I will love always and have a great life with her

    • im honest, have a good heart and some people consider me brilliant. I have a natural curiosity about ideas and love learning new things

    • "If God answers your prayers, He is increasing your Faith. If He delays, He is increasing your patience, If He does not answer, He has something better for you." and 2 things I don't buy: Water & Sex

    • I enjoy quiet times, reading, sleeping,listening to music , being with people that can help me grow and become better

    • I'm a decent, hardworking man who is probably born out of his time. My heart is that of a good person and my soul has been on a guided tour of hell by the devil himself. I got lucky and escaped the darkness that too many embrace has LIFE. I used my wits and my will for something better than what I had and I got OUT!! This world is too dangerous and I have fear of what our tomorrows will be. It constantly comes to my attention that our society is NUMB to experience and blind to who we are and to each other. We get to the point now that we take the blows and keep going without knowing we have been Knocked down, BITCH SLAPPED, flogged, castrated and impaled on a stake for the world to see. We ARE DYING SLOWLY and no one cares. Everyone is on a chase to acquire THINGS when the chase should be to create new sources to empower each of us and not just have MONEY to purchase THINGS and be the envy of others. But, who am I to complain about this? I am just one voice and I KNOW NOTHING - 礼坊

    • The time never seems to slow down and in life we must learn to slow ourselves down. Enjoy the time we have and the people around us. Enjoy the life we have and the wealth of experience we have gained. Even in the worst situation, there is some positive to be taken from it. Pick up your glass and say to yourself "May the best of times we live today, be the worst of times we endure tomorrow" An old Russian toast. I like to remind myself when I am sad that regardless of the challenges that may come to me, I shall survive. Even in failure, I shall continue and become stronger, better. And with that knowledge, I am never a failure. I have gained success.

    • "We Must be more responsive to the world around us and each other" - Levon Poe - February 2008

    • The gaining of knowledge comes with a price we will ALL pay. NO Exceptions ARE MADE IN THIS SIMPLE TRUTH. You wish to strive to walk like a human being you must first recognize the pain of all things to see your humanity

    • Winter........................................................................................................................................................................... The reason to believe Changes with the season. The breed of the cold lingers with abstract pain Ice knives slice into fleshy veins. Snowed over skin cracks from the cold. Stone like emotions freeze us to the bone. What reason do I have to go on? This icy lair projects nothing is here. A white world of snow. A dynasty of cold and grave lice. Material things break and hold In this landscape of snow and cold. A woman's love is for sell in the night. A man's heart can get crucified without light. Our fathers dreams of warmth still exist. Let us find better lands beyond icy mist. Let us bond to bring heat to each other. Let us unfreeze our souls and be brothers. The reason to believe is in our hearts. Let the ice in our veins melt to start. Come to me brothers and sisters. Gather round and heal each other. Melt the ice of the soul. Create us anew. Let us be one and whole. Levon Peter Poe - February 9, 2019 ©2019 ©

    • "Her cherry blossom scent, holds me in suspense. Shall she remove the garments that hide her heaven? Shall I view this beauty that is immortal in my heart? I pause, in anticipation. This moment feel's like eternity." “她的樱花的香味, 持有我悬念。 应她除去衣服 隐藏她的天堂? 我会认为这美女 那是在我的心脏不朽? 我暂停,在期待。 这一刻感觉像是永恒“。 〜 彼得·捷尔坡 二〇一六年十月二十〇日 ©2016 ~ Levon Peter Poe October 20, 2016

    • or

    • I am in a relationship with the woman I shall marry. My interest is in meeting people to network for business.