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  • Lee V


    6967 times

    Ice age

    If your not fighting off the squirrels, your not nuts enought!

    November 29, 2006



    English, Español - América Latina

    Caucasian/White, Hispanic/Latino



  • About Me

    • Oh, if the music is good, I like it. I Like Classical, Jazz, lite Jazz, classic country/western, Oldies, world music, good old Disco to dance and all kinds of good music. Somehow I just can't wrap my mind around rap or the mind set of it. But, just about everything else, bring it on.

    • Action/adventure, comedy with some intellance, good dramas, historical dramas, Sci-fi and good movies with a good plot to them.

    • Let's see. The CSI shows, Criminal Minds, Game of Thrones, Oz, The Big C, House, Space Above and Beyond, Firefly, Stargate SG-1, Malcom in the Middle, Nova, History Channel,Sci Fi channel as long they have sci fi on, AMC, TMC, the Discovery Channel, Awake, Touched. Yeah, I like TV.

    • I'm read "A Confedercy of Dunces", the Ilaid & Oddsey; the Oddessy, Dune Series, I found a copy of "Fantastic Voyage", "Planet of the Apes" The "Song of Ice and Fire" (Game of Thrones and other books in the series) books and other classic Sci Fi, the good stuff!

    • Any I can play

    • Oh let's see. Theres good movies, both new and old ones. A good book or 2. Spending lots of time with me wife and doing things we both like. When I can, going camping, doing a bit of traveling.

    • I hope to have a long life with my Sweetie. Forging a good relationship with my step-daughter. Being able to see my friend Wendy and her family "Down Under" some day. I dream of the day when I can retire and be even more active in my life.

    • I've been told it's my eyes and smile. Also I've been told I an a humble man.

    • I hope your doing well today!!!!

    • My eyes, my smile. I have a good mind and can talk about just about anything.

    • Well, I've done one thing I was hoping for, starting my life with my new sweetie.,I'm still working on regaining my health and still having good friends. Besides that, I have an interest in Photogrphy,writing (poetry, short stories) my pets, microbiology., astronomy, geology, engineering. Yeah, I know, the boring stuff.

    • To be happy with my true love now that I found her.