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  • Steven Bison

    Over 3 months ago

    8453 times

    Phoenix Reborn

    Full-blooded half-breed hey ya!!

    January 13, 2009




    Caucasian/White, Native American



  • About Me

    • Pow wow, Gourd dance, Country-old style Texas Swing, 50s rock and roll, 60s soul and, Chicken Scratch (Papago/Pima)

    • Still my all time favorite is Babe. I think I might have a new favorite movie "The dog Park" I like all the Wallace and Gromitt cartoons. Once we were Warriors, Smoke Signals, Dream Keeper I will add more later

    • Cops, Fox Cable news, any of the judge shows and NCIS, wildest police chases and other wildest police shows. I like Iron Chef and Ninja Warrior.

    • The Sixth Grandfather, The Soul of an Indian, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, the dictionary, Torah, Bible, Lost Books of the Bible, Selu Corn Mothers Wisdom, Indian Country L.A., Books on Federal Indian Law, Custer Died for you Sins,

    • I have no interest in sports unless my children are playing and it looks like softball is going to be their sport of choice for now.

    • Taking care of my children and grandchildren, Gourd Dance, Beading, Leather Crafts, Pow wow and visiting with good friends.

    • I dream of a day we can all listen to each other and not argue who is right or wrong, who is better or less, who is stronger or weaker, who knows God and who doesn't and who is family and who is not. I dream of a place where we can all have our stories and they are all true. A time when we can all share and not be jealous of others. I dream of a time and place where anger, jealousy, and greed do not exist. These three things I have seen destroy many people. I am just sick of it and will have no more to do with it. I dream of returning to Arizona before winter to start a new life with my children.

    • The best thing about me is my kids. From the son who is about to turn 40 to the youngest 6 who is starting to dance and sing with the drum

    • I am young thinking and young acting because the children I have raised have kept me so. II had a wonderful wife who passed away last year at 38 years old and three children I am raising now. I have raised 11 before these and have three boys of my own but they are all my children and I am their father. I try to live as much as I can in this world as a traditional native man. That doesn't mean beads and feathers all the time but it means a way of thinking and relating to the world and those in it in a way my Elders have taught me. I hope to some day be half the man my grandfather was and half as wise as my most dolting Elder.