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  • GeordieKip

    A month ago

    43597 times

    Antique Gold

    Wish I had a Dog's outlook on life!!!! If you can't eat it or play with it, piss on it and walk away. Fantastic, how simple is that wohoo!

    October 31, 2006



  • About Me

    • got a varied taste in music from classical to heavy rock. 60's,70's,80's love those years.

    • Any Tom Clancy film. Love Harrison Ford in air Force One. Love the quote "Get off my plane". Got the full collection of Herbie and Bagpuss and the Pink Panther Films. Big Disney fan, Bambi was the first film I cried at as a kid.

    • Don't get the chance to watch much TV, i'd get my hands cut off if I went anywhere near the remotes.

    • Working on it. Thought i'd write one on "How to make the perfect Yorkshire Pudding" I might get it right then. Or does this bit not mean about me writing a book!

    • Rugby & Fishing

    • train spotting, knitting, origami, bungee jumping, picking dandelions, to name but a few!

    • Ok where would you like me to start. If I Could I'd ban the fur trade and all that goes with it. Going to put a video on here and I have to say it's not very nice but goes to show what these poor creatures go through for vanity. If I had a gun I'd shoot everyone of the blokes in the video but I'd make sure it was slow and painful just like it is for the poor creatures they have tortured. Sorry to vent but it's just so cruel and pointless.

    • Well, I've been told I do look cute in my pinny!

    • friendly easy going bloke who loves chatting, making new friends & having lots of fun in this short time we have on the planet. Can't understand why people are so miserable, enjoy the time you have. Smile you might enjoy it! Feel free to get in touch. ps. i'd just like to say i'm so easy going it's untrue.i do my best to get on with anyone and i really hope i don't offend anyone i'd be gutted if i did. i'm a people person and i'm sorry to those who get upset when i leave hugs n kisses when i chat, that's just me and i'll never change nor would i want to. Married for the second time. So there you go you know a little bit about me know. The rest is top secret and if I told you I'd have to torture you naked with a feather. So if i havent' scared you off come and say hi.