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  • Gaetasearch G


    3582 times


    April 4, 2009




  • About Me

    • I like soft music as my boys would say I am old fashioned lol. YouTube - gaetasearch video made by my son for my company

    • My all time favorite actor is Val Kilmore. and I love Pierce Brosnan.

    • I love to watch Ellen D and Boston legal I also watch House.. its funny.

    • hmm that is hard - Love to read everything. But I guess my fav is true biographys

    • I love my freedom that my search engine provides @

    • for my children to succeed and achieve there dreams

    • I am a great mother and wife I also love to work on the computer I am pretty good at it. I have a nice smile although my kids think I am crazy. LOL maybe I am.