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  • Elizabeth S


    10156 times

    Reef Nebula

    !!!! \m/ SUPPORT LOCAL METAL \m/ !!!!

    November 17, 2009




  • About Me

    • METAL!!!! (black, doom, grind core, death - anything but cheese and hair), sludge, blues, psychobilly classical, hell - really anything but contemporary country and, generally, THE HARDER, THE BETTER. There's no such thing as too thick and too dirty, in my book. I could never begin to name bands I like and have anything representative of everything I love - the best I can do is tell you what I've had in the player recently: Possessed, King Travolta, Secrets She Kept, Amon Amarth, Celtic Frost, Dissection, Lust of Decay, Wehrwolfe, Order of the Fractured Spirit, Internal Suffering, Atrocious Abnormality, Cobalt, Ouroboros, Saprogenic, Jungle Rot, Gods Iron Tooth, Husky, Lividity, Despise, Aborted, Satarial, Estuary, Behemoth, Loss, Guttural Secrete, Satanic Warmaster, Monstrosity, Aeon, Coroner, Infinited Hate, Godless Rising, Pyrexia, Spawn, Nile, Dreamscapes of the Perverse, Vesperian Sorrow, Catamenia, Teradactyl, Exulcerate, Anal Blast, Domination Through Impurity, Lecherous Nocturne, Zuckuss, Mucky Pup, Agent Orange, ANTiSEEN, Confessor, LOTS of Entombed, Sourvein, Drunk and Stoned, Dying Fetus, Emperor, Pest, Gorelord, Disincarnate, Roanoke, Grey, Kult ov Azazel, Dawn,

    • I DJ a metal night at DIVEbar: Raleigh: Wednesday night (from 10pm - 2am) - Metal Overdose - a balls out metal night, supporting: black, death, grind, thrash, doom, sludge, traditional - pretty much, you name it.

    • I am a PROUD member of NYDM: NCDM - strong, loyal, hardworking, and true to our family. If you are curious about us, please, learn what we're all about at the NYDM main page on MySpace! If you have questions, feel free to ask.

    • I'm grumpy and mean. grr. I use this page for finding music and for work contacts. If you're looking for a new friend to chat with please don't try to add this page. However, if you want to hire me for band artwork or photography, WELCOME! Come right on in! I have years of experience and a large catalog to show for it. Please, browse through my PhotoBucket account to see some of my live band photography, along with some completely silly pictures from shows and everyday life. I love my Grim Russell Terrier, Jackson, and my close family and friends very much. I'm completely obsessed with music and I primarily listen to metal. I play several instruments with vastly varying skill: bass, guitar, piano, and multiple woodwind, brass, and percussive instruments. Ahh - this one's important - I have a deep and passionate revulsion for metal with hardcore breakdowns. (With all of the metal core bands who have been adding me, I don't think you're reading this part.)