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  • Dr Marzo Healing Waters Project

    Over 3 months ago

    73335 times


    "Everyday 25,000 Children die from hunger and bad water" Please Help! Por Favor los niños le necesitan

    February 19, 2008



    English, Español - América Latina, Italiano

    Black, Hispanic/Latino, Native American


  • About Me

    • I am a missionary, psychologist & psychiatrist, archaeologist, philosopher, CEO and composer and have a recording studio called Marzo Record Company. Gospel, smooth jazz, classical, world beat, ballards, merengue, samba, latin, and caribbean. (Soy un psicólogo, el presidente y el compositor y tengo un estudio de grabación llamado la Casa Discográfica de Marzo. Evangelio, jazz liso, latido clásico, mundial, ballards, merengue, samba, latín, y Caribe). HEALING WATERS PROJECT AT GOOGLE:

    • Good old westerns,action. drama, culture/diversity, world news and drama.Los buenos viejos westerns, acción. drama, cultural / diversidad, noticias del mundo y el drama.

    • Niños Necesitados, Needy Children (Feed the Children/ALIMENTE A LOS NIÑOS)

    • The Holy Bible, Culture, Ancient Traditions, Art, Music, World Lit, and World History. La Santa Biblia, Cultura, Tradiciones Antiguas, Arte, Música, Historia Encendida, y Mundial Mundial

    • I am a 3rd Degree Belt of Wing Chun, art of Fighting Style of Master Yip Man...Bruce Lee's Teacher. I Like Football, Boxing, Swimming, Tennis and Martial Arts. Fútbol, Boxeo, Natación, Tenis y Artes Marciales




    • I am the International Director of Open Hand International "Healing Waters Project" Our mission provides needful goods, food, medicines, counseling, bibles, clothing, shoes, insect nets, hygiene, water, dig wells, irrigation, shelters, educational products, international missionary training, and basic supplies to needy children, orphans, widows in sub-standard places. I am an agent of change that provides divine care to the sub-poverty victims in Haiti, Dominican Republic, Africa (Darfur, Sudan,) India and the United States. We believe that it is the Lord's will for us to help the needy throughout the world to live and know that God cares for all mankind. "The poor in the land shall never cease so I command thee to help the needy throughout thy land and to give them sufficient to their needs" Deu 15:8-11. Currently in Haiti, children and adults because lack of food and making cookies out of mud and seasoning to eat. Our next mission to Haiti and Dominican Republic is MARCH 30, 2017 - APRIL 30, 20017. Please send a generous donation...we need your help as we help others..

    • Agent of change to promote lives in 3rd world countries. Missionary, musician, professor, psychologist (Summa Cum Laude scholar) and 3rd degree black belt (Ng Ga Kuen) . Agente de cambio para promover vidas en 3os países mundiales. Misionero, músico, profesor, psicólogo (Summa Cum Laude erudito) y 3r grado cinturón negro (Ng Ga Kuen)

    • Providing international aid to the needy. Contact Open Hand International-Dr March, 1015 Fair Winds Ct, Salisbury, Maryland 21801 ********************************************* (FACEBOOK IS JOSE L MARZO OR OPEN HAND INTERNATIONAL HEALING WATERS PROJECT)Thank you!

    • To serve 50,000 needy families per year. (Servir 50,000 familias necesitadas por año). At Healing Waters Project, prayer is everything, so we welcome you to join with us in prayer. Please include us in your prayers daily. Not everyone can send a donation, but you can keep us and the little ones we serve in prayer. Together with faith, we believe that God will use us to change the lives of children for eternity. At HEALING WATERS PROJECT, prayer is everything, so we welcome you to join with us in prayer. Just leave a comment or send a message to be added to our prayer list. "Then little children were brought to Jesus for him to place his hands upon them and pray for them..." Matthew 9:13

    • The needy in 3rd world countries have nothing but hope and faith for a better life. Your support means so much to the sub-poverty families. Please give something today...even if it is one dollar.

    • A NOBLE DONATION OF ($1) or more WILL SAVE LIVES. Send to: Open Hand International "Healing Waters Project", 20435 Ashville Dr. Millsboro, DE 19966 Attn: International Director (Thank You/Muchas Gracias) Principles Only-Call 1 (301)-356-2772

    • Open Hand International “Healing Waters Project” THE SUFFERING CHILDREN NEEDS YOUR HELP AND PRAYERS.

    • CHILDREN DIE EVERYDAY FROM LACK OF FOOD Every day, more than 25,000 children die from hunger and poor water-related causes--one child every five seconds. 852 million people across the world are hungry, up from 842 million a year ago. Open Hand International Outreach "HEALING WATERS PROJECT" has served over 40,000 meals in 12 months to Needy Children, Orphans and Widows. Poor nutrition and calorie deficiencies cause nearly one in three people to die prematurely or have disabilities, according to the Our Research and Hands-on International Mission Work in the USA, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Africa, India and Sudan. HEALING WATERS PROJECT SAVE LIVES

    • LOS NIÑOS MUEREN DIARIOS A FALTA DEL ALIMENTO cada día, más de 25,000 niños mueren de hambre y causas relacionadas con la agua pobres - un niño cada cinco segundos. Las 852 millones de personas a través del mundo tienen hambre, de 842 millones hace un año. La Mano Abierta Internacional Excede "PROYECTO DE AGUAS QUE SE CURA" ha servido más de 40,000 comidas en 12 meses a Niños Necesitados, Huérfanos y Viudas. La nutrición pobre y las carencias de caloría hacen que casi un en las tres personas muera prematuramente o tenga la invalidez, según la Nuestra Investigación y Trabajo de Misión Internacional Práctico en los EE. UU, Haití, República dominicana, África, India y Sudán. La CURACIÓN DEL PROYECTO DE AGUAS SALVA VIDAS