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  • DMC


    71500 times

    Grey twinkling flowers

    "With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26

    August 2, 2008






  • About Me

    • Smooth Jazz, Easy Rock, Gospel Country but, if you love Smooth Jazz you have captured me.

    • Imitation of Life, Transporter, The Wizard of Oz ~ I'm from Kansas.

    • I Want to be a Millionaire, CNN, MSNBC, Family Feud,& Action, Comedy

    • The Secret. & Think and grow rich

    • Vollyball, Tennis, Handball,Softball, Rollerskate

    • Roller-skating, climbing mountains, walking 2 to 3 miles, Traveling all over the world, Visiting Beaches Hawaii is one of the best.

    • Excel in whatever I do....accomplish goals will always be to strive for more.

    • Enjoy working with the elderly and abused and neglected children...always willing to help those who are willing to help themselves...true motivator. So, in a nutshell my best features aren't the outer beauty its what is inside... Life is what you make it where ever you are...I have a humble spirit and people who I let in my inner circle have the same karma.

    • *No Young Men contact me I am not interested in anyone 20 - 54 but, I will stop at 60 yrs old. I am 58. To be honest I am just seeking business opportunities. I do not want to hear from men in there 20’s 30’s or 40’s I am not trying to be anyone’s sugar momma. Just seeking a part time job. Success is measured by the experience you learn and apply to your daily life to achieve your goals. We are all put here to serve others. I am a Independent woman have been for years. Not materialistic because I've seen the finest and experienced having nothing. I am truly blessed to be happy and content with DMC. Thank God for everything.

    • To all who read my profile I would prefer no young men to contact me between 20 to 38 and no bisexuals or lesbians. I am all hetersexual...thank -you.