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  • !!~A♥ک€xყCoNDeSSa~♥Ty♥ღ♚XL3♚ ღ

    70151 times


    "The value of money depreciates over time.But good NAME, protected by life integrity, leads a character that appreciates in value"

    April 30, 2007




  • About Me

    • ballad,alternative,love songs,r&b and hip hop

    • Pay it forward

    • ophra

    • The SECRET,Rich dad Poor dad,Developing the leader within you,Success acceleration and purpose driven life!!

    • Taekwondo,wall climbing,bowling and shooting

    • Shopping,cooking,painting,travel,reading and dancing..meeting diff kind of interesting people/learn from them and share my wisdom as well!!

    • To help mankind,to have financial freedom and to see the world!!

    • my eyes, my lips and my body(being me)

    • Dear friends**Thank u, not only for the msg u've sent,but more for d time u've spent..Not only for d words u've shared but more for d JOy it made!!

    • I direct my energy towards the inner world of thoughts and emotions [Yes! I am an introvert type of person, so what? Being introvert doesn’t mean that I am shy and aloof]. I often seek to understand the full complexity of any situation and enjoy solving difficult intellectual problems. I like making decisions on the basis of logic, using objective considerations. I am concerned with truth, principles and justice. I am analytical and critical, tending to see the flaws in situations and I take an objective approach. I analyze situations and come up with explanations of how things work. I prefer dealing with tangible problems and proven experience – I often enjoy solving organizational problems that need to be thought through.

    • im not here to chat.. im here to play pets.. thanks

    • sometimes we find ourselves feeling incomplete. Longing for something we can’t explain. And we are caught in the middle goin nowhere..weird isnt it? But that the beauty of being is knowing that there is a purpose for each existence.. and whatever that may be.. it is also the reason why we still wake up and discover the missing piece of our puzzle that would make our life complete.

    • I've met many guys but i cant find someone who'll love my stubborness, spoiledness and my other flaws..i just dream of having a man who'll love me and respect me,cause respect from guys is really hard to find now..i want someone who'll do anything just to please me,i know he's hard to find but i know too he'll come..:-) f you really love a person you are willing to wait even how long it takes. you are willing to bare all the pain that awaits. why? simply because, FOREVER is not a long time for a person that DEEPLY LOVES.