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  • Christian A


    3029 times

    New York City


    May 6, 2009



    English, Español - México, Français


  • About Me

    • My favorite music is all the rave music, included electro, house, trance, techno. But in each moment of my life I can hear someone different...classical, rock, cuban son, brazilian, arabian..etc.

    • Two for the money, The Devil lawyer, Leaving Las Vegas, Pursuit the happiness, in special suspense movies.

    • The Simpsons.

    • Allan Poe, Herman Hesse, Shakespeare, Patrick Suskind, Honorato de Balzac, Franz Kafka, Christopher Caudwell and more.

    • I am a martial arts practicer. Now I teach Kick boxing and I practice Capoeira. I like the Gymnastics trainnings and all the martial arts.

    • I am interested in sports and trainning systems. Music, mixing and production. Computers, softwares and the Universal literature.

    • I would like to have or work in sports centers. Travel around the world, speak and domain two or three languages. And finally I would like to find the right girl to share my dream.

    • The best of me is my brain and my knowledge. I consider my body like a result of my thought. I am funny also, could be test my humor sense.

    • Important: Please I demand respect with my preference. I am heterosexual then, no send messages or invitations, gays, scammers, webcamers. I am looking for women.