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  • Connor - Time for a Purge


    12885 times


    Everything on the Internet is completely real, of course.

    May 27, 2008






  • About Me

    • Rock, as in Modern rock and indie. Oh and some punk and ska. Hate most country, hate most rap. There's exceptions to every rule though. Favorite bands would be Reel Big Fish, Muse, fun, and Queen.

    • I really am not that picky, I'll watch just about anything, even if it's stupid. Stupid movies are fun to mock.

    • Community, Smallville, Bones, Futurama, Murdoch Mysteries... I've got Netflix so that's my main source of TV, and if it's not there, there's always Torrents or YouTube.

    • Right now I'm on a pile of Stephen King books. If you haven't read a book in the past year, don't talk to me.

    • I care whether or not the Oilers are doing good, but not enough to look up the schedule and then make a plan to watch a game on TV. I don't have cable anyways.

    • All the things that normal people are interested in EXCEPT FOR anything that makes people behave stupider than they already are. That would be weed, alcohol, etc. Most people are already stupid enough.

    • I love sleeping...

    • Being smarter than the average bear.

    • Everything on this profile is totally true. Super serious. Where's that upside-down Pinapple emoji... Haha

    • Making fun of stupid people, and there's plenty of em.

    • A world where stupid people aren't there anymore.

    • People who can't spell. People who think weed isn't a drug "because it's natural." People who don't know the difference between this : and this ;. People who think these ( ; : ) exist primarily to make smiley faces. People who don't know how to have a fun weekend without drinking. Guys who think every conversation between a man and woman is going to get to sex sooner or later.

    • Ingress. It's basically a game of capture the flag, but it uses the GPS in your phone and you can get weapons and shields and so on. Plus, it's all over the world and totally user oriented.