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  • ♍TheSeventhenigma☥

    65230 times

    Reef Nebula

    If you're under 35, don't waste our time. We are not the same. #SpirituallyMinded

    April 30, 2007




    Black, Hispanic/Latino



  • About Me

    • Jazz: Progressive, Contemporary, Acid, Hip-Hop Jazz, R&B, Neo Soul, Reggae, Soca, Gospel, Classical, African Dance, Techno, New Age, Soft Rock, Easy Listening, Classic Rock, Electronica, Some International artists

    • Anything Horror...Everything Matrix...Many Documentaries: Eyes on the Prize, When the Levies Broke, etc. Others include TROY, V for Vendetta, Wallstreet, Boiler Room, Shooter, Spygames, Enemy of the State, A Knight's Tale, When The Levies Broke, Hancock (Metaphysical flick), Love Jones, The Rundown, 300, Gladiator

    • Discovery Channel: Ancient Aliens, How It's Made, ect. The Daily Show

    • The Akashic Record, The Holy Bible (SUN/SON Book), The Holy Quran, The Bahagavad Gita, The Vedas, The Nag Hammadi, The Zohar, The Kabbalah, Thus Spake Zarathustra, The Missing Years of Jesus, From The Browder File, Ra Un Nefer Amen's Metu Neter, The Mis-education of the Negro, Behold a Pale Horse, The Isis Papers, Authors: Noble Drew Ali, Dr. Marimba Ani, Dr. F. Cress-Welsing, John Blassingame 'The Slave Community' Ralph Epperson, KRS-One, Kahlil Gibran: The Prophet; Sand and Foam

    • Boxing, MMA/WEC/UFC, Kickboxing and similar contact these are the only sports that are not 'Played'. You 'Play' everything else. I like throwing darts, various Olympic events: Swimming, gymnastics, track and field.

    • The Akasha, Spiritual Development, The African American condition, self improvement, business & business development, history, current world affairs, technology, wine tasting (all grape varietals), piano, Egyptology, Egyptian art, people and their personalities, cooking, reconnecting with my 'country' roots: fishing, hunting and horseback riding. I also enjoy hookah bars. Have a hookah pipe of my own.

    • To create a channel between men and women that connects us deeper emotionally---becoming fear-free and exposed before one another; Ultimately living the lives we were purposed to live.

    • I was created with the very best of everything. My Creator made no mistakes.

    • Actively and presently training staff to manage behavioral challenges of teen boys and girls in Southeast Georgia. I AM: A dreamer...A kid in an adult's body. Self aware...not self-absorbed. Intuitive and inspiring. Serious..yet silly. Courteous but cautious. Strategic and methodical. I am a piece of the pillar that's been built with the purpose of holding and supporting that which we should value most--our community. I am the embodiment of my ancestor's successes and short-comings...becoming better than they. I am the difference between yesterday and today....the sum of the past....a product of the pre-sent---the remainder of a thought. I never was... Then I became, and I always will be. Copyright 2009 Gary G. Brown. All Rights Reserved



    • Born in New Orleans but raised in rural Mississippi,Gary had an uncommon upbringing that took him across five states before reaching age six. It wasn't until later ---a few careers and the experience of a broken marriage---that catapulted him into his purpose. The experience of an unstable childhood coupled with the pain and stress associated with an absent father through much of his childhood has led to his first book---A non-fiction project dealing with what he perceives as the chaotic emotional condition and conditioning of black men---with a historical emphasis and its link to how many men don't (or can't) effectively channel, understand and/or manage 'emotion'... and its poisonous manifestation and consequences. As he believes that black men are not 'conditioned' to deal with the emotional issues that seems to plague them, Gary has endeavored to expose and shed light on ideas that may lend credit to why many of them decide to hide the true self from others; Masking and running behind work, drugs, and PARTICULARLY and more IMPORTANTLY...women.

    • Behindthebricks


    • TAGGED is a SOCIAL Network...It is NOT a dating site. Join E-Harmony, Match, TINDER or one of those if you are TRYING TO DATE! Facebook ain't a dating site either, but we don't wanna have THAT convo either.

    • Kind comments are always welcomed, but boundaries are in effect. I might "like" your pics, but I don't want to date you.

    • Keep your twerking, booty popping and squatting ass right where you are. I'm not endorsing it. Grown ass man over here.