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    Over 3 months ago

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    gold sports car


    December 31, 2010




    Black, Caucasian/White, Native American



  • About Me

    • I love all forms of music except hard rock and the cursing rap form. From "Old School",which is from the music of the 1950's to the 70's,some of the Country songs,classical, big Bands, etc. From chorus, Glee Clubs, to Choirs....I have sung in them all. ...All music is close to is the next thing to, mind, lungs,and ear in perfect tone and pitch. I love it all. except the metal/gothic; loud types of music that gives off evil vibrations and awful sounds that make the head ache...and heart to pound...that is not music but noise. My favorite male singer is Aaron Neville. He has the voice of an Angel that makes all troubles become light..for the energy that the pitch of his voice can expand to..........lovely. I think God touched him on his forehead when he was born,...and anointed him. Thus...the voice of an Angel. My most favorite female singer is hard....Patty Labelle, Gladys Knight, Leontyne Price, Nancy Wilson, La Verne Baker, Etta James; Diana Ross, and Whitney Houston..

    • My favorite movies are all action, drama westerns, military and musical ....I come from the years of television development and have seen many movies that I love: "The Ten Commandments,To Kill a Mockingbird, Con Air, Gladiator, Harlem Knights, The Education of Sonny Carson...a banned black movie...of the late 60' has been redone and i will try to find it . My new day favorite is "Idlewild" by was good music, drama and dancing...

    • My favorite TV shows are CSI Miami, Criminal Minds, NCIS, Cold Cases, My Wife and Family, 2 and a Half Men, and The Big Bang Theory, TV One channel and of course...Jerry Springer....he is always good for that laugh on a sad day. CNN news, documentaries and history.

    • Sidney Shelton and Harold Rollins are two of my favorite authors. The Other Side of Midnight. and Park Ave....were very good. The Bible is my best book...I love the word of God. It has enriched my soul.... BIBLE=basic instruction before leaving earth. More than just a book. I have a library of books and now don't have the time to read them.

    • My favorite sport is football ...because of the action, the power,the drama. Then Basketball as i love the impact it has. I ran track so I love track & field. But I also watch rodeo, the Olympics and most sports. I have gotten away from Boxing and wrestling....for its brutal deterioration of the mind.

    • My interest are in making money as it is so vital, as being hungry hurts. I love working in the yard, and watching my flower gardens grow...I love to grow Roses, Iris, Gladiolus, Hydranea's, Sweet Williams, and all kind of flowers. I live near the woods so the animals prevent me from growing veggies..I also care for the wild birds....they can really eat some seed.. I am also interested in the young tho I have pulled away from them now...they are no longer respectful of authority and I don't want to hurt one of them. LOL!

    • I dream of a wonderful relationship made by God and blessed to be the best one is a dream that I believe can come true...if you only believe. "I believe, I believe" I believe......wake up's just a dream....wake up to a nightmare"....

    • My best features are my kind heart....then my smile....then my soft skin tone, my hair, and my ability to make a man realize his many have been beat down by bad women. Every man has good worth....every man is a "little man" (lil' boy) when you touch his head and embrace him. Man is a good thing. But a man don't work ...a man don't eat...LOL...LOL..

    • I am the forth child of five of my father's children, in our society called "The knee baby". The one, who leant on "Mother's thigh watching how to care for the "new baby". As a child, I learned to read by reading the Bible. My siblings hated me for it. " I LOVE AND HONOR MY HIGH CREATOR, MY GOD, COMPOSED OF THE TRILOGY OF THE FATHER, THE SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT. Or as some say from days of "ole". "THE HOLY GHOST" ! I have been given many talents by my CREATOR. I became disabled in 1976 from a injury in the N.C. cotton mills where blue denim was weaved. Being "People of Color", (Colored) proper medical care was not an option back in the day. The injury lead to the knowledge of birth defects from my mother having polio. I am a survivor ! A survivor of many things. .MY MOTTO IS: " I may be " disable", but that does not make me "UN-ABLED". I keep going by the Spirit that is within me. All my life I have talked to GOD in my heart, and in my mind. HE has guided me and healed me, many times, and I owe a servitude to HIM. Here is my purpose on this Earth to ManKind: To leave Mankind with a positive understanding of the simple, understandable LOVE of our HEAVENLY FATHER.

    • Are for the betterment of man. The fairness of man, and the abilities of man. man is amazing. I speak of man in the sense of mankind. I try to always remember that " God does not take away anything, that HE will not replace with something " better" .

    • I will still dream of romance and magical realms because that is the desire of my heart. space, so to speak. Today I dream of a partner in the kitchen with me, in our bedroom, in our CHURCH, and in my arms for me to hold and caress, to nurture him with all my being. such nice dreams, and a real one that can really come true for me and him. We would share, care and honor each other. .

    • We all have dislikes and likes as well. I dislike people of substance speak insensitive or brag about their personal belongings. They are people of substance that never hear the needs of their fellow man. Who should be sensitive with their words to those who are hurting. People who are not concerned with their personal hygiene in this today's world because it is so unnecessary...I can deal with "work" is " honest" smell. Widely accepted. I don't like to deal with people who are liars, thieves, and bigots. I don't like people who are unfair to others, who play on others, who degrade others, and anyone who is unkind toward others. I dislike people who think the world revolves around them. I, ME, and MINE kind of folk. It should be "WE, US, THEY THEM AND EVEN "YOU'ALL" . I LOVE THE ELDERLY AND THE CHILDREN ...

    • To leave ManKind with the BIBLE: which means "Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth" and to Meet the man on Earth that GOD would have for me. A good decent, upstanding man who also loves the LORD. Folk on "Tagged" are not serious about committing . They are FRIENDS. And some just want to collect people in a desire to fill a void. Some with to make themselves look and feel important by large numbers of friends. And that is okay. " IT IS GOOD TO FEEL GOOD ABOUT ONE'S SELF AT ALL TIMES. "

    • LADIES OF "TAGGED" ....I applaud most of you who have walked your path in a positive manner. Raising your little ones to know The Christ, and who are true ladies of grace and humility. Wives, mothers, sisters, aunts, god mothers, and the ladies of many homes. I applaud you and bless you ten fold. To those of you who are showing your bodies in vulgar manners... you are degrading yourself, and the men are talking bad about you. We can smell you through the internet. This site is for developing friendships, networking, playing "PETS" and developing our own web pages to show our personalities and favorite ideals. . . GOD made us all to be a blessing to each other. "Never look down on a sister, unless you are willing to help her up"! Think more of yourselves than a hot fling. The men would be better at approaching you if you were better to yourself.

    • I am a collector. I am not a hoarder. I keep an open floor and try to be organized. But I collect all sorts of things such as: Dolls, Sports cards, Books, Music Boxes, Comic Books, Old Minature Cars, Men's Silk Neck Ties, I love fabric. I can sew by hand and material is woven in my blood. The knitting and spinning rooms, crocheting, sewing, neelepoint, are all from a "string". I found that string played a large part of my life. I collect Porcelain figurines, USPS stamps; Sheet Music, CD's; 8 Track tapes; children books, and toys; Fishing Lures; History books: Paperdolls, and ships and more. I sell these items as I am aging to enjoy watching my items go all over the world to new homes. I flower garden, paint, draw occasionally, participate in community and church programs. I am an avid reader when the time allows.