The Social Network for meeting new people

White Dudes Committed To Ladies Of African Descent


    MISSION STATEMENT: We are a community of White Dudes and Black Women, meeting to trade ideas, share life experiences & make conversation. A safe place for women of color and Caucasian Dudes. TAGGED censors are encouraged to check us out and see for themselves that we are nothing more than mature adults coming together to provide advice and support to others involved in WM/BW relationships whether married, divorced, cohabitating, or merely dating. ~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ . . . . . No racist attitudes tolerated here. Also not welcome are: ...*Haters...*Married and looking... *Lurkers...*Advertisers.. ,or, *writers or Term Paper researchers(except by permission of Group management, and warning to, & knowledge of membership-No Exceptions. * Please do not disrespect us by advertising other groups on our topic boards. ** If your PROFILE IS PRIVATE,YOU MUST PROVIDE TEMPORARY ACCESS TO GROUP MGMT. . . . . . . . * No profile photo- we cannot accept you into our group!

    Romance and Relationships - Advice/Support - Other





    * Thomas *