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tJrEuSsUtS (Trust Jesus)


    Are you ready to let go of your life and grab hold of Jesus? If you really mean it, please pray this prayer: Jesus, I need you to save me, for I have sinned against God and deserve punishment. You, who are the perfect, complete and only Son of God, came to this world born of a virgin. I believe that you lived a sinless life and died on a Cross to set me free from sin. I believe that you rose from the dead on the third day. I believe that I shall not parish but will have eternal life with you in Heaven. I love you Lord God and I want to know you more. Please fill me with your Holy Spirit and guide me through this life that I now give back to you. Amen. If you have prayed this prayer please send me an e-mail so I can lift you up in prayer. If you are not already attending a Bible teaching church, pray that God will bring a Christian to you who can guide and help you.

    Culture and Community - North America - Religion and Beliefs



