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About The Sabbath


    We hold a discussion of the truth about the Sabbath Day.As commanded by God. (Including Q and A My prayer is that God will annoint your mind and the Hloy Spirit will be your teacher.He can reveal all truths beyond what is written here.I pray that God will use all the information as a tool in his hands to make you hunger and thirst for more of his absolute truth. Please post in english

    Personal Groups - Church/Religious - Other





    "Sugar" Thx My Owner


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Topics 61-66 of 66
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The Sabbath

Sab'bath(rest)....Rest day, or seventh day of the week, Gen…

4 DELETED alowlyservant alowlyservant Jul 10, 2010 3:06pm

Introduce yourself to the family

I'm Letha R. Born and raised in, South Carolina. I'm now li…

4 DELETED alowlyservant alowlyservant Jul 10, 2010 3:20pm

People who mocked God

Beware of false prophets, who come to you in  sheep’s …

3 DELETED alowlyservant alowlyservant Jul 10, 2010 3:29pm

Bible Quotes

“Love is patient; love is kind and envies no one. Love is n…

5 DELETED alowlyservant alowlyservant Jun 26, 2010 6:51am

Hello Everyone

It Is Good to see you all again Our faithful worshiper.

2 DELETED DELETED DELETED Jul 24, 2010 3:38pm

Loving God

  My love of light is my spiritual Will. Within it is…

2 DELETED alowlyservant alowlyservant Jul 10, 2010 3:16pm

Group Member Levels

  • Creator Created this group
  • Admin Admins this group
  • Master 1,000 Posts and 1,000 Likes
  • Advanced 250 Posts and 250 Likes
  • Intermediate 100 Posts and 100 Likes
  • Beginner 10 Posts and 10 Likes
  • Newbie 0 Posts and 0 Likes