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  • Kizer Shoza

    2567 times

    Reef Nebula


    May 26, 2011



    English, Deutsch



  • About Me

    • I believe in spontaneity, spur of the moment as long as no one gets/getting hurt/abused at non mutual respected risk of another's actions; while risk takings not a crime till u get caught, satisfaction is guaranteed. I also know when to hold em, fold em walk away when to run; So far I have never had to flee the scene, however, if the occasion were to ever arise ~ don't call me, Ill call you.

    • Although my assimilating temperament/aura silently commands respect, I am non violent(for the most part), so without brandishing steel, I believe in 1 shot 2 kills or killing 2 birds with one stone while never forgetting that a bird in hand is always better than 2 in the bush.

    • Please don't temp me, but if you really must know....I'll do absolutely anything for Scooby snacks, so please don't use this as a tool/means to exploit my emotional weaknesses; although, if push came to shove, I'd rather be in love, but I'll never do it all again, just for the nookie.

    • Favorite Books, documentaries, Authors, Comedians 1984, Lost Symbol, Behold Pale horse, Art of War, Zeitgeist I,II III, Kymatica,Pharmacratic Inquisition, Esoteric Agenda, Jordon Maxwell, Michael Tsarion, Michio Kaku, Stephen Hawkkings, Jermain Whittaker, Edgar Casey, George Orwell, Jesse Ventura, Alex Jones, David Icke, William Cooper, George Carlin, Bernie Mac Zacharia Stitchin. Any good SciFi.

    • I work out vigorously to be prepared for anything. So while on a long beach walk when my lady with a just a few extra pounds gets tired I can carry her and leave very deep Jesus footprints in the sand without hurting my back

    • Not a player and don't require any extras to stroke my ego. I sometimes come as plain as the Amish, unshaven with partialy eaten corn muffin,grits,beans or yam stuck to/in my beard, and like the sounds of clown car horns honking randomly throughout the night.

    • For the indigenous ~ plain simple primordial natural selection animal attraction has no color boundaries. Your kind/kin is not your skin because your hidden energy frequencies signature that really matters resonate from deep within. vegetable eaters are a plus. Not necessarily a vegetarian or vegan because I've heard the strictly carnivorous have sharper teeth and sometimes have an uncontrollable tendency to instinctively bite at the site of fresh meat. V. I appreciate the minty fresh breath of an intellectual quick thinking chatterbox with a nice back\booty contour\curvature who sometimes wears glasses that can stay up late and fall asleep on top of me while reciting literate inspired after biting into a York Peppermint Pattie.

    • I like free thinking ~ not into civilian/zombie/sheep politics or any status quo political views. Red Pill + Blue Pill = Purple pill ~ which translates to ~ being aware/awake that the majority unknowingly are living as mental prisoners under mind control in a self sustained systemically corrupt purposely dumbed down society where there is no escape which propagates separation and ignorance of self that went viral an eon ago, while the truth is ~ freedom and choice are only well masterminded illusions orchestrated by clandestine occult puppet masters and the entire world is a stage. I speak softly but carry myself. I also speak Patwa and ich sprechen sie Deutsch. Ich reiße Tags aus Matratzen!!! Although I'm not religious my understandings are esoteric and the truth is a very unpopular belief as it is written in the (B)asic (I)nstuctions (B)efore (L)eaving (E)arth. So if your brainwashed and you know it clap your hands..clap clap. I decipher subroutines and create algorithms to form root cause analysis for the unexplained/unexplainable because searching is my favorite pastime; yet I am still unable to locate my TV remote.

    • Children are innocent and teenagers are f-ed up in the head; adults are even more f-ed up and elderly are like children.