The Social Network for meeting new people
  • John B


    404 times


    November 20, 2017




  • About Me

    • 80's,Cools, R&B, Jazz, Country Music

    • Unfaithful

    • BoJack Horseman, House M.D.

    • The Help (Hardcover) ,The Girl on the Train (Hardcover) ,To Kill a Mockingbird (Paperback)

    • Golf, Tennis

    • looking for someone to spend time with and lead into a lasting long term, rest of my life type of relationship or just a now thing, I will not discount anything right now..

    • I'm very flexible in things I like to do, whether it’s going out dinning or just hanging home eating pizza and putting in a DVD.. I love the monsoon season and the lightning it brings.. I'm very thought full of others and always make the best of a bad situation.