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  • PO-line zine By Pascal ON


    6643 times


    Be wonderfull for me and I will be magnificent for You … In The magaZine with the fantasticst people & more

    April 8, 2013



  • About Me

    • PaskaL and the small folkpopcats; mainstream Belgian folkpop ...

    • Men without a nose, Overlight, ....

    • No TV for me cause I prefer the www.web ///

    • ‘Pa$Karlionalisme/ a political mouvement - Les d’aventures de Karel et Paskal - the night-hours of Nathaly Night, romantic novels like Vera Farce from the corner on, Lucy A C , Flous & Flos … To read and see in POline Maga /

    • SCHAATSEN - Watherpolo, tennis, hockey, walking, jogging, /// Blaarmeersen - zenbos - right/ Northern L’âne - where i do mine sports as hockey, tennis and pallet … Don’t Forget when You visit to have à break by ecological foodhouse PASK - Passie voor voeding on the holeway … In 2024 there will be a bridge for bicycles over the L’- eaulane; we fight for it by our collective des jeunes/// Karlionalisme /

    • Mannequins, ditmargfashion, photomodels, folkpop, nature, /// and ofcourses mine sports …

    • To become famous and rich ///

    • Ditmargcreations on Tagged: MO- PO - Co-Line magazine, Comichebdemontaire Rossigno Scroll: