The Social Network for meeting new people
  • Mark B

    77444 times


    Quit trying to scam me with young pictures and fake profiles! Get Real! Really think a woman my daughter's age want to deal with my old ass! Please

    June 5, 2012







  • About Me

    • Steve Wilcox Unusual Suspects Maury Family Guy Scorn Love Kills Avenger

    • Anything Dean Koontz Anything John Steinbeck Anything Kurt Vonnegut A great computer book

    • Tennis but can't get anyone to play Cycling but can't get anyone to ride Swimming but can't get anyone to swim Camping when it ain't so damn hot Rollerblading but everyone here rollerskates Computer games basketball but lousy Ice skating when it is cold and my butt is padded - Me gustaría saber más sobre otras culturas.

    • Pay off my house, visit Portugal and the far east, find my life mate and get married without any talk of divorce

    • I was a fulltime single parent of two grown daughters out on their own.. I was also a single foster parent of boys and girls from(18 to 11). I love kids and felt it was my duty to answer the call to help others

    • Working from my home, so say hello. Not interested in anyone under 46. I try to perfect my writing and speak in Spanish. I would love to travel to Europe and Asia to meet new people and experience new cultures. - Intento perfeccionar mi escritura y hablar en español..- ¡Espero algún día comprar una casa al sur de la frontera cuando me jubile y comience una nueva aventura!

    • Currently working on a project collecting North America slave folk song and making a book.

    • Just when I have laid off irritating people on Pets 'Miguel Angel, santiago, Chile" Has given me a new reason to break that vow. WooHoo now I can enjoy being an asshole.