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  • Gibson T

    Over 3 months ago

    4168 times


    If u want to win, u must learn to be the Master of the Game!!

    April 21, 2012



    English, Français, Español - España


  • About Me

    • Soul-soothing music, and all kinds of music that instil in me a can-do attitude. Hip-Hop inc.

    • Apocalyptic and all horror plus mind-scratching movies. I love Mel Gibson, Tyrese Gibson, the late Paul Walker, Jason Statham, Paul Bettany, Paula Paton, Dwayne Jonson(Rock), the late Kanumba The Great and Al Pacino.

    • Lie to Me, The Mentalist, Criminal Minds, Breaking Bad, Sons of Dogs, The House, Person of Interest, Revolution, Ross and Rachel, Game of Thrones, Spartacus AND The Discovery Channel.

    • All inspirational books that paint me a clear blueprint towards prosperity, be it material, mental or spiritual. eg. Beating The Street, The Holy Bible, The Holy Quran, The Devil's Bible, The Inteligent Investor, The Secret, Catcher in the Rye, You are More Than That, Karl Marx's Wage Labor and Capital, George Orwell's 1984 and Animal Farm, Think Big, Principles of Management, The Capitalist Nigger, Satanic Verses, Euphrase Kezilahabi (Nagona, Mzingile, Kaptula la Marx, etc.), Prof. Chachage's Makuwadi Wa Soko Huria and Almasi Ya Bandia, Beyond Good And Evil, Mkufya's Ziraili na Zirani, Become a Better You, Midnight's Children, Ruling Your World, Purpose-driven Life, You are More Than This, How To Win Friends and Influence People, The Female Brain, The Alpha Psychology, The Forces of Freedom, First Among Equals, You Were Born Rich, Robert Frost's collection of Poems, The Da Vinci Code, Gardiner's Secret Societies, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Friedrich Nietzche, Robert Kiyosaki, Cheikh Anta Diop, Karl Marx, Julius Nyerere, Nelson Mandela (Conversation With Myself), Barrak Obama's Dreams From My Father, Malcom X, Kwame Nkrumah, Darwin, Encounters From Africa, etc.

    • Much into Basketball,

    • Punching holes in the air by exploring the riches engraved in BOOKS!

    • to be a Man And a Half.. go far above the ceilings- far beyond the limits, where i'll be able to defy all the odds and kill immortality itself and.. and.. and maybe be a jack of all trades yet Master of something!

    • I don't believe in mirrors.. they always show you what you want to see, not the reality. So maybe YOU should take a peep at my profile and tell me what you think is my best feature.

    • I'm kind of a xenophile or something.. i enjoy reading books that haven't been written yet, walking where great men expire, and killing dead people. Chicks with no teeth turn me on. Oh, did i really say that? Umm.. well, i mean, i'm either a habitual liar telling the truth OR a honest man lying! Yeah, call me a psychopath if u want, but at least not a lunatic, coz im a sane, real gentleman! TRUTH is what you choose to believe though. I do believe If you go far enough in any direction, you can see the back of your own head, or punch holes in the air for that matter; for since marriage is never forceable but rather a willful matrimonial adherence, if you choose to marry failure, you'll have no one to blame but yourself! I love challenges.. they make me grow bigger in mind. I believe there's nothing wrong with the systems of our governments, there's only something wrong with our thinking. Life is a prostitute, it sleeps with whoever pays for the bed. After all, if u know the meaning of 'being alive', All roads lead to the White House. So if in any case life turns turtle, im simply gonna go centaur and turn turncoat. Memento mori! TRUTH IS WHAT YOU CHOOSE TO BELIEVE!