The Social Network for meeting new people
  • CikJune™

    Over 3 months ago

    17812 times

    color overkill

    i like being mySELF the BEST . but sometimes its fun to DRESS UP and PRETEND !

    January 16, 2012



    Bahasa Melayu, English, తెలుగు




  • About Me

    • aku SUKE lagu mcm yuna nyanyi , lagu rancak-2 and slow-2 . hihi

    • komedi seram , and yang best-2

    • investigation and lawak dan lomba keta =)

    • kereta

    • memcm lhaa

    • kereta

    • nak ade keta mahal2

    • maen game

    • ok. haha. aku politeknik student. agak kasar some time. and if ade yg buat aku marah laa kan. hihi. aku ny kdg2 bukan betol sgt. org xboleh nak jangke, aku pon xtahu. yg guna DP sendiri je aku bole app. ;)