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  • T. L.

    3 months ago

    4675 times


    Know Thyself!!

    December 3, 2011







  • About Me

    • Jazz, Neo Soul, R&B, Oldies, Brazilian, World, Reggae, and old skool Hip Hop.

    • Kung Fu Flicks, Documentaries, Comedies, B Movies

    • Obsolete.

    • The Ronin Poetz, Nile Valley Contributions To Civilization, 2000 Seasons, Stolen Legacy...

    • Playing b ball.

    • Reading, Writing, Chess, Pop Locking, lol! Ok i am not good at pop locking, but i do have an interest in watching others who actually have the skills.

    • I have been blessed to work with some great folks in my lifetime. It is my goal to educate; maintain my sense of humor; live this life to the fullest. Oh and at some point find a single conscious spiritual brother with a mind for business whom I can share a great sex life, mad jokes and some community building.

    • My Heart cause it beats, My mind cause it thinks and my feet cause, together we keep it moving.

    • At times it get's lonely in turn this land that i stalk. Heading home, trying not to trip on this narrow path that i walk. When it begins to hurt, i ask why did i start. Then I remind myself...the bite of being lost is not as bad as finding bark of the tree with the roots, in which I'm apart. and if I stand still for a moment, this trip is all talk. Yea my travels get tough, but it's about having heart. Now you know what I do when my days become cruel. So the pause, is only to tighten to tools that I use, when this wilderness tries to play me for a fool. But it's cool. It's not always easy paying your dues. So I continue the roam searching for clues, keeping it moving from light blues to dark blues. Excerpt from "the wilderness" by TL TL Fun Facts 1. Never married 2. 3 children: grown and on their own. 3. Educator, historian, social scientist. 4. Loves to laugh. 5. Also, Chess, kung fu flicks, b movies and playing basketball. 6. Will travel the world fearlessly. 7. Can truly love and be loved unconditionally. 8. In need of a best friend (subject to change). 9. Had an amazing life (which means I'm still alive) still willing to learn and grow.