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  • Realm_of_Eagle


    35915 times

    True Love

    Profile updated on May 26, 2024!

    February 19, 2010






  • About Me

    • I listen to just about anything.

    • I like all kinds of Movies.

    • Family Guy dang it. How can you not love that little Diabolical Genius of a Sneaky Stewie.

    • Anything that falls in my lap or around me. Yes this has happened to me before.

    • War Eagle/Go Rockies

    • Left Blank on purpose.

    • My dream is to be able to enjoy life one day.

    • I am good at making someone laugh or smile!

    • What else is there really to say? The Picture of me with the Raiders Cheerleaders says it all. Sadly over the years of being Married I did not care about myself anymore. I let myself get Fat. I hated Life and did not care if I lived or died. Now I am finally Divorced and working on trying to Love myself once again. Over the next few years I am going to work toward trying to loose this horrible Weight I put on and do the best I can to enjoy what life I have yet to live before I leave this World of Natural Causes.

    • I am a Gamer and Streamer when I am not at work and have time. I will always have a Love for my Games and if you are a Female Gamer Chick I am sure you can relate to this and understand what I am saying. I am done with the Tagged Bull Games that Females want to play on here. I am so sick of all of you lying about your Age and Locations in your Profiles as well. I will not give out my # so stop asking dang it. If you really want me to Call you give me your dang # and do not waste my time asking me for mine. No I will not use your Chat apps and stop asking me! I only use Discord being a Gamer. I am so sick of the crap and I will start Blocking all of you if you ask me. If you ask I will know you did not take the time to read my Profile! Do not ask me to Invest in your Crypto Scams or Money Market/Stock Scams. I do not have the Money and not falling for that junk. I live from Paycheck to Paycheck so if you are looking for someone Rich go somewhere else. If you want someone real I am possibly that fling, friend, or even more who knows. I am not a good lover and my X Wife really ruined me in that department by constantly putting me down and making fun of me and my Manhood.

    • I can not help that I was not blessed in this department growing up. I got what I got and it is what it is! I probably would disappoint you in private if we connect and I am just being honest. NO I will not send you a Pic of my Privates! Do not send me Pictures of your Private Female Parts. It is a turn off and I do not want to see them. Stop asking me what I want from a freaking Relationship I do not want to hear that word! Yes I am old and fat but I still love myself. I went through a very bad time in my life with my X Wife where I did not give bleaps about myself. I did not care if I was going to live or die. Now I am finally Divorced and yes dang it I am Single! I will never get Married ever again and I do not want Kids dang it! I really do not like Makeup I am not kidding! If you do not have the confidence as a beautiful Female Woman to show your true Natural Face then do not waste my time. I do not have time for your Fake Makeup Face Mask my X Wife used to put me through when we were together. I want to see your Natural Beauty dang it! I am done playing these Female chase you Games and I am not looking anymore. If you like what you read and see then Message me!!!