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  • Peter B


    5693 times

    Reef Nebula

    Life is hard enough as it is, don't make it harder by being an asshole

    January 25, 2010




    Black, Caucasian/White, Native American


  • About Me

    • old school R & B

    • horror. sci-fi, action, thriller

    • ESPN, news. discovery channel, TLC stuff like that

    • big football fan(played in collage) baseball

    • anything i feel like doing and trying

    • being able to buy a house

    • i don't know you tell me. i

    • i tend to be laid back and take life as it come but when it comes time to work i work very hard. I say what i mean and mean what i say so i'm carefull with my words. I will always tell you what i think and feel but when i'm wrong i say i'm wrong. so all i ask is for people aroud me is to treat me the same way i treat them. if you ask me a question and you will get an honest answer.