Miss myra%
11424 times
June 25, 2009
Asian, Other
About Me
all the bestz...
at cinema!
no reading k!
favourite sport:football newcastle i like any sport realli as long as it aint borin
ust chat and we will find something....
Never happen.....mum & dad together again
every 1 says me eyes
my name is nursyazmiera malyssa John Welfrod .... come from perak,malaysia... now i family stay in united kingdom.. i n family go at paris.... lurv paris!muach...
im 18 and i live in chatham... i hang bout wid a diiferent rang of freinds... i love spendin time wid my mates and prefer to be out then in my house..i also spend quite alot of my time wid sammy and leanne who are my cuzons..im not in a relationship atm and im lovin single life lol..i hate people that judge people 4 who they are coz im me and i aint changin if ya dont like the fuk offf init x