The Social Network for meeting new people


    35669 times



    June 5, 2009





  • About Me

    • Love all music, country, classsical, big band, bob dylan, folk music, gosphel, cajun german

    • John Wayne, Lucille Balll

    • the weather channel, golf, westerns NO SOAPS News Fox Pro football Dallas Cowpokes love em

    • All Civil War Novels!

    • football DALLAS COwPOKES!

    • traveling, I'm a baglady, I love junk, jewelry

    • I'm a nurse! Makeing ill people well or at least happy and comfortable

    • Love EVERYBODY!No strangers

    • There are just so many nice people I've already met on Tag and just really people like myself, problems(very few complaints) happy, funny sence of humor and God Fearing!

    • I am so sad about my Big German but I know he's in Heaven and I was left behind to do Jesus' Little Chores, Someday will be My Day to Meet Jesus. But, meanwhile I can still smile, love everyone and be happy. May God Bless You All. bagladyangel

    • You know I'm a two year two month survivor of cancer since my husband passed away. My tests are showing I'm getting stronger and back to my good health. You all were right with me all during the chemo and doctors visits and Prayers, Prayers, and encouraging kind words. Thanks so much and I love you dearly. chris

    • It's been 3 years now since I told you all I had cancer and was going through Chemo Ya'll were wonderful, tags and little encourageing thing on this Site. Thanks and I 'll never forget you Bless You Each and Every One of My Friends, Strangers, People Who Cared About Me. Love Ya bagladyangel

    • I 've been with you Tagged a long long time and so Thankful for all of you. I am now a 4 year survivor and going on five of the cancer, We've come a long way. Thank you all so very much for your Prayers, Tags May Jesus Bless You all. bagladyangel

    • This coming January 2018 I will be a eight year winner over Cancer. You all have been with me from Day one when I got Cancer, through Chemo, you cheered me with your little tags and pictures Thank You All Around the World , So Much and I Love You and Jesus Be With All Of Us bagladyangel

    • It's been eight years since my cancer and Tagged has been with me every year. Long time! Thank All of you and May Jesus Bless You All. I'm not strong enough to Nurse anymore so I sell my jewelry and do little Nurseing Deeds as I can, I'm a bagladyangel!!!!!!!!!!! chris bagladyangel

    • My cancer has returned since 6 years Will keep you posted what's happening with it Need your Prayers and Love all around the World to my Tagged Friends bagladyangel chris

    • The little spot on my thyroid was ZAPP and I'm all clear of cancer Praise Jesus I'm still clelar yeah! ha ha Thanks for the Prayers bagladyangel chris