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  • JAN "The AOH"

    16761 times


    HOPE LIVES IN FAITH!! I am a 45 years old Mormon (LDS) mother of 2 adults daughters I use an electric chair to get around

    May 5, 2009







  • About Me

    • Love most types of Music, a lot of country, an oldies.... love 80s soft pop and hard rock.... Kenny Rogers, Kevin Sharp, Richard Marx JT Hodges love his moves

    • Ladder 49, Ghost, Wedding Ringer,

    • Criminal minds, Blood Bloods, ghost Hunters, The Dead Files, Mike and Molly, NCIS, and NCIS Los Angeles also love DIY and HGTV channels Chicago Fire, Chicago PD

    • Scriptures, how 2's for crafts, crochet beading Poetry,

    • Baseball, Atlanta Braves

    • Poetry, Computer Graphics, Crafts

    • Publishing a book of my original poetry, and have people actually buy it... Meet somebody famous, (well if you consider JT Hodges famous I got this one) and find a man who is honest, and faithful to me... who isn't thinking of men or another woman when we make love. I would also love to be married in a temple within this lifetime...

    • I think its my heart... have recently been told my smile is radiant and that eyes shine like that stars.... which one should I go with...

    • My name is Jan As you can tell by my photos I am a big lady and I am in a wheelchair from a spinal cord injury am not paralyzed but sometimes I lose the feeling and or movement in my legs. I am a mother of 2, daughters. amd also divorced.... some of my favorites include, color; greens teals and COBOL blue... animals are cats even though I have one cat and two dogs... One more thing.. ~ I see dead people ~

    • New Years eve 1996 or 1997 My husband and I had my friends over. Everybody was drinking, My husband decides he has to tell me he was having an affair with my x fiance` and several other men on a weekly basis, basically since we were married. My friends all knew of his affair. He had even gone to talk to my mother earlier that day. to talk to my mom to see if she could give him a clue how to tell me... Devastated at the time I told him we had to work on our marriage. well one night several years later, August 2000 Laying there with his arms around me he says "Jan I have the urge to be with a man again." I told him that I did not want him to bring anything home... *he didn't* I cried for days, and talked with family members. and decided I could not live with knowing my husband preferred men. I asked Brian for a divorce. we stayed in the same house... he told him mom.... who brought in other family members... His mom, and one sister knew the truth... a few months later March or 2001 he moved out.

    • A couple more years later seeing how happy he was, and how I struggled with the fact I do not believe in divorce. I struggled with how I stood with our heavenly father. I spoke with the Bishop at church. He explained to me that in the vows of a civil wedding it states til death do us part, I was just getting the divorce before death. I FINALLY FILED... Out of our marriage blossomed two beautiful roses. Breezy 20 and Netta 19. I am a very proud a mother of 2 daughters, 19 and 20 year old. 20 year old daughter who is in her 3rd year of classes for her ocia(sp) degree. My 19 year old is in her second year of classes for a Medical Assistant degree, very proud of both of them. They did not and do not have it very easy. If given a choice to repeat it I think I would keep things much as they are except to give my girls more faith in the gospel. the reason I wouldn't is because I would not trade my girls for the chance of having other children... they are my angels!!! :) ya gots ta keep smiling :)

    • I was taught how to meditate releasing my energies enough that my spirit guide was able to contact me telling me he was the one singing in my ear, because I helped him through his time of spiritual trouble singing to him. Two months later I was in an accident (that I predicted). I was told that I was extremely lucky I wasn't dead let alone a quad which is where my nickname comes in from wearing the halo for 3 1/2 months. ~ Angel of Hope ~ :) ya gots ta keep smiling :)

    • Some people call me the ~Angel of Hope ~ In September 2001 I saw the twin towers get hit a second time. The first time was when I was 16 or 17 I woke from a disturbing dream where I saw the towers hit by two planes. I saw many things in the dream that I did not understand. including the pentagon, and another plane crash in the field. I woke up got on my computer where people were talking about the towers and said turn on your TV and when I did I nearly passed out saying omg I can not believe this... I thought it was a dream this is just what I saw.... I began seeing spirits on the ground every time I saw the live feeds from the towers I saw the firemen doing the job... one fireman I saw picked up a small child and he said come on sweetie mommy is up here.... then I saw him walking up and he disappeared. I also started hearing a very deep voice with an accent of foreign lands, singing Swing Low Sweet Chariots along with Amazing Grace, and other spiritual songs. I knew someone was trying to talk to me... I thought I was nuts... Well after 3 days of this and other occurrences.