The Social Network for meeting new people
  • Ilona↪ɴʙ↪ ᶜʰᶤˡˡᶤᶰᵍᏊᶤᵗʰJessie


    63624 times


    There are no strangers in our life, some people bring happiness, while others experience...

    November 12, 2008



    English, Русский


  • About Me

    • I like almost all music species. ---------------------------------------------------------------

    • I am not fanatic about one or two concrete movies or actors...there is many... that's why life becomes more colourful ! ---------------------------------------------------------------

    • Sometimes better do not watch TV at all... ---------------------------------------------------------------

    • "The Master and Margarita" of Mikhail Bulgakov, "For Whom the Bell Tolls" of Ernest Hemingway for example and many other books too... ---------------------------------------------------------------

    • Without saying I have dreams like everybody else..Just my dream is for me, like your for you... ;) ---------------------------------------------------------------

    • This may be treated differently, I always like to say what I think (and it's not pleasant for cheating other hand I know that sometimes better to be quiet :) ---------------------------------------------------------------

    • Often people ask me - "what are you looking for.. here?"... well, I will tell you a secret (shhhhh..🙊don't tell I am interested to have a short chat with intelligent and polite people from all the world (🙂 yep, only that). Of course you never know, sometimes a virtual conversation can become a knowledge in a real life. In any case I am not interested in sexual "adventures" (sorry if I disappointed you.. lol). ---------------------------------------------------------------

    • Does not matter if I say - "You Are Welcome!", I can to tell - "Good Bye" as well if you don't understand what is politeness

    • PLEASE, don't ask me - "tell me something about yourself..". You can understand something more about me from my tagged page and our communication in the future. Thank you in advance ! :))) ---------------------------------------------------------------