The Social Network for meeting new people
  • (sc)🅰️ndyL~V~PWarriorSeagulsBOC BC

    Over 3 months ago

    55227 times


    Smile and say "Hello" or "Good morning" to a stranger. At the very least, you might just make their day a little or you just might make a friend.

    August 3, 2008







  • About Me

    • Classical, New Age, Rock, Jazz, R&B, Kitaro, Narada, David Lance.

    • The Fifth Element, Planes Trains and Automobiles,The sixth Sense, It's a Wonderful Life, Trading Places, The Naked Gun, Ghost,City of Angles,Ghost Busters, Young Frankenstein,

    • Fox News, 24, CNBC, Mad Money, SiFi, HGTV, Food Network,

    • The Abs Diet, Worker in the Light,

    • Prefer to participate rather than watch. Most sports figures are over paid. I will occasionally watch football, tennis, golf, and the Olympics.

    • Science, technology, building computers. Learning something every day is essential!

    • Color, cognative dreams, and dreams that come true.

    • Smile.

    • Enjoy life, work, and always have some fun. Keep a positive attitude and outlook. May the world's unlimited bounty follow you where ever you are.
