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  • Noam Chimpsky


    5930 times

    Deep Space

    I am a teacher of English as a foreign language. I love all the world's languages. Right now I am studying Tagalog. Kulay-ube ang pagkain. hehehe

    January 30, 2008



    English, 中文 (简体), Tagalog




  • About Me

    • Trance, Classical, Classic Rock, Love Songs, Tagalog Love Songs, White Noise

    • Casablanca, The Godfather, Blade Runner, The Third Man, The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, Vertigo, The Wizard of Oz, Body Heat, Raging Bull, Ghost Busters, Citizen Kane, Gone With the Wind, Bonnie and Clyde, National Treasure, Trouble in Paradise, Psycho, Double Indemnity, Good Will Hunting, Minority Report, Toy Story, It’s a Wonderful Life, Bride of Frankenstein, Goldfinger, Singin’ in the Rain, Saturday Night Fever, On the Waterfront, The Bridge on the River Kwai, Dr. Strangelove, Great Expectations, Yellow Submarine, Dracula, Apocalypse Now, Beauty and the Beast, Some Like It Hot, Chinatown, Rear Window, The Seventh Seal, Raiders of the Lost Ark, All About Eve, Duck Soup, The Producers, Romeo and Juliet, Network, Planes, Trains and Automobiles, A Christmas Story, The Usual Suspects, This Is Spinal Tap, The Silence of the Lambs, Manhattan, Fargo, The Maltese Falcon, Schindler’s List, Hoop Dreams, The Seven Samurai, Lawrence of Arabia, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, King Kong, The Right Stuff, Patton, The Grapes of Wrath, Amadeus, JFK, Annie Hall, In Cold Blood, The Hustler, 12 Angry Men, The Wild Bunch, Woodstock, Adaption . . .

    • I am laying in my bed on a cold winter night. I suddenly realize that I am five years old again, and I have been transported back to my childhood home. I open my eyes and see my three brothers asleep in their beds beside me. I hear the sounds of men talking outside, so I get up from my bed and look out the window. The snow is deep and virgin, without a single footprint violating the sea of white that is our front yard. The giant weeping willow tree that dominates the yard has been transformed into a huge white winter mountain. I look out at the road to see where the sounds are coming from, and I see three strange men marching down the road. I sense that their intentions are not good, and I wish my father was here to protect us, or at least explain what these men are doing walking down our street at 3 o'clock in the morning. Suddenly the tallest of the men points his hand in my direction, and the three men turn and begin to march towards me across the yard. I awake with a fright in my lonely hotel room, 52 years old, my brothers and sisters half a world away, my childhood hopes and fears evaporated like the winter snow, and the only emotion I can feel is . . . numb.

    • My olecranon. It drives the ladies wild. I wish I could take credit for it.