Foster C
14279 times
Please allow me to introduce myself
January 29, 2008
English, Italiano, Română
About Me
Rock and Roll; The DOORS; BOC Black Sababth, Bach and the MTC- what a mix!!
"Sleepers"; "Lord of the Rings"; "Malibu Days, Big Bear Nights"; anything with Rick and Rod Donovan
This digital broadcast crap is the biggest fraud since the Income Tax and Federal Reserve acts. When I can watch: CSI- All; Law and Order- all; House; others, especially things that are intelligent
My Own; "Transplantations and Wanderings"; "Venture to Khorlon Thygree" and "Reunions in Majik" "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand; "Sleepers" by Lorenzo Carcatera: "God, Guns and Rock and Roll" by Ted Nugent
... Let's see; baseball, football, basketball, softball (mine are), golf- a little white dimpled ball, tennis- a fuzzy green or yellow ball, soccer takes a ball, even bowling takes a ball, volleyball and tetherball (are those even REAL sports?)-- it occurs to me that boys just like playing with their balls! I'd rather do hockey, they puck!! Ha! Ha! Edmonton Oilers!!
outdoors[camping, hiking, hunting, fishing], culinary, reading and writing [I have one copyright and am working on two others], I'm sure you can guess the next (interest, that is)!
Been having some really strange dreams lately. I'm trying to find an old friend, as well as seeking new ones, and it seems that on nights when I'm not too preoccupied, I dream of either the person I'm seeking, or several of the new friends I have on here. Is this an anomally, or a good sign? That is indeterminate.
If I say, I'm bragging, but if others say, its a compliment! You're more than welcome to post your own theories!!
Here's the long and skinny of it: If my political views don't piss you off, my religious views certainly will. Still, we can be friends, because friends respect each others' opinions and realize that freedom is what it is all about. We need to have some ground rules too: First, if we haven't known each other for over a year (as much as we can get to know anyone behind a screen), then I'm not overly interested in a hard luck story. We all have them, but it's about the time we've been familiar. ALso, if you're so bereft that when you get told 'no', you want to commit suicide, that tells me that you're mentally unstable, and I don't want to step into that mine field. If we were together and such happened, that's a different story.