The Social Network for meeting new people
  • Roger D


    13063 times


    Let's join forces, create a new, exciting beginning--unique and special

    January 23, 2008






  • About Me

    • Country music, older rock n roll. Music to dance by and be enchanted by............Chris Young has an awesome new song out called "tomorrow". I am now a part time DJ...

    • volleyball, football, basketball, long as there is a ball... . :)

    • Dancing, listening to good bands and music, volleyball, badmitton, reading, exercising and politics

    • To have a few good caring friends, to interact daily, if possible.

    • smile,

    • Life is a journey. *** Life is a dance, you learn as you go, sometimes you lead and sometimes you follow..... I am still on a journey that will hopefully lead me to some good friends here. I like country music and teach some country dances, such as two step, double twos, cha cha, waltz and line dances. ****What is happening now is what I am concerned with most, what happend yesterday is best left there, what is going to happen tomarrow, It is best to wait and not worry about. I consider myself as more of a leader and not a follower. We only have ONE time around, let's live it to the fullest.......

    • Anger is something we create within ourselves. Others do not create it in us and circumstances do not create it.. Anger hurts our ability to communicate with others in a respectful and meaningful way. Filter out the judgmental thoughts we have about others and anger can be greatly contained. Our communication with others will be greatly enhanced if we can stop being judgmental about others and focus on the situation at hand, without being judemental